After a lazy morning, I did my mail, with some surprise forms to be filled in. Making no sense at all. Hope they will pay us the extra time it took.
Took so much time that I had to race home inbetween, to be there for the girls, coming out of school. When they were settled and taken care off I went off again.
After that I had physiotherapy. Was really good.
Cooked a nice meal.
Fooled around with the girls.
Clipped an annoying hedge from neighbours who are moving out. (It was almost impossible to walk past, that far over the path)
Chatted with the other neighbour, while my girls fooled around with her dogs.
Cleaned up a bit.
Got the kids ready for and in bed.
And now I am sitting here, thinking of getting myself a beer,
Late daylight but the candles I lit in the garden are getting brighter.
The sky is magnificent.
I should get myself that beer, and enjoy it even more.