There's a special place in hell for people who mess my order up, especially special orders. And it's always drive though that fuck it up.
As long as people got what they ordered then it's okay.
They did. 
I wonder what keeps going wrong at the drive-through. Maybe that speaker system is cheap and static-y, so the cooks don't hear your order correctly.
I think they just don't give a fuck because you will be all the way home before you realise. Fuckers.
Although we've got a lot of free food because of it. We're the type to ring up and complain. Years ago we lived near this Pizza Hut that fucked up our order. We got so many free pizzas out of that because they kept fucking up the free replacement pizzas too.

^ That happened with me at Domino's.....he he, I just was kind of a 'domino' effect!
I always check my orders in the bay in the drive thru at places like McDonalds etc...if I have time. I CANNOT stand a fucked up order when I get home.
What also gets me with any take away, and sometimes meals that you have out....I look at them and think...'what fucker made this, and if you were making it for yourself fuckface, would it look like this?'....
you know, the 'salad' on your burger that is a pitiful 2 scrappy shreds of lettuce at McD's, or the onion that is one big hunk of onion mis sliced on the side....skimpy mayo or too much sauce exploding out the side...etc etc.