I understand the basic desires when linked in with mate selection, but we aren't just unthinking humping machines.
No we are not
but it dose influence our choices
People are complex creatures- sure you can make generalisations based on what you believe people should want from a good mate but you have to accept that they are just generalisations and not actual truths.
That’s the whole point of generalizations they are the truth but not the whole truth
Get it yet
Basically I find some of the generalisations you seem to have been making a little over simplified, and that offends me.
You have to simplified to make generalizations if I was making a complex statement then there would not be a majority to talk about and that’s where people get different
Get it yet
Your suggestion that only those who are somehow fucked up would want to have a relationship with someone that challenges them for instance.
WTF where did I say that please enlighten me
Your views on why some people enjoy anal sex- why does it have to be about domination?
Anal sex dose not have to be about dominance it just often gives that feeling for the giver at least
This is driven by instinct so I am not going be able to explain it to YOU as YOU don’t believe in them
Hell you even seem to assume that people are abnormal based on their non-sex related interests- 'im thinking but at this point i can not rember meting a feamale gamer that was not serverly ab normal'
No that was pure fact
I am a female gamer
I have met at least 20 or so
and not a single one was normal
it had nothing to do with them being gamers
they just were
Plus does it not even occur to you for even a second that human sexuality is about far more that just finding a good breeding partner now? I find it hard to believe that with the choice of birth control available, the acceptability of pre-marital sex, etc, etc that the human psyche will not have adapted away to some extent from only finding attractive signs of suitability for mating.
*starts banging head ageist desk*
of course some of it is nurture or nature of the indivigal person
never said other wise
but every one has instincts
case in point
they have found woman on birth control when choosing partners have a much higher instance of choosing partners that have genetic abnormalities that mirror there owen
almost garenting there children will have it
woman not on birth control chose men that do not
This is because woman can smell these things and birth control fucks up that balance
Don’t know about other woman but I don’t do this on porpus