I could use some mouth-to-mouth here!
mouth-to-...? mouth? you sure?
OTOH, I feel I have to trust the Doctor's orders...
in that case, i'll prescribe some, er, hands* on healing.
*to begin with, followed by lips on, mouth on, tongue on, etc., etc.
Take your time. Health issues are important to me.
then i shall make sure i'm extremely thorough...
did some knitting; went for a run; unblocked a drain; baked bread and a pineapple upside-down cake (to die for); cooked and ate lunch (couscous with spiced veg) and then large quantities of PUDC with custard
IN THE GARDEN cos it was warm enough; got a migraine
; had a short sleep to get rid of migraine; got on here; now about to finish another knitting project (it's been dragging on for ages cos i had to redo the sleeves...)