meh. PI reckons he probably changed his mind when he realised he'd have to get insurance to be able to tax it, and didnt bother to let me know. pillock. anyway, i'm taking it to be broken in the morning, and the scrapper's giving me £50 for it. I was only going to charge my acquaintance £40. 
Still, I can't imagine finding a working automobile for less than five to seven hundred dollars. Around here, the junksters offer about fifty bucks (£25) for almost anything, but something that runs, no matter what it looks like, commands quite a bit more.
It's a shame to just crush it ... but meh ... fucking MEH!
I've done it, too, though. I let a 1966 1600S Cabriolet Fiat racer go under the hammer once. It ran fine, dual overhead cams, dual Webers, in fact it kept up with my Mustang before I hotrodded it, up to about ninety miles per hour, but it was difficult to get parts for and the registration was not possible, because it was never legally imported into this country.
It was this pic, but in black ... I know most Brits don't get Italian sportsters, but this was one fine little car. I just had no way to register it, after I had spent money rebuilding it. Fucking US safety laws! Ralph nader still had a hardon when I was trying to register it, in the late seventies.

I had to let the hammer have it. I couldn't even find a Mexican to sell it to.