^ Hu, garden's to be inspected coming week? How so?
Haven't done much today but did finally fix the handlesets of 3 doors and made some chicken soup.
The housing agency came up with that policy two years ago. Apparently lots of people neglect their gardens that much that it is a problem, so, now it is in the tenants agreement that we have to keep the gardens well attended. Paving them completely is allowed though.
There is one positive thing to this new policy, people who can't do gardening anymore can now, through the housing company, get help, from kids in a special ed school, who are specialising in maintaining gardens.
Had I done nothing, they would have approved my garden too, it is not a huge mess, but, had not done anything it it but mowing the lawn for a month or so. So, did a bit.
I do have a low maintenance garden, bit of paving to be able to sit outside, even with the wet conditions of this summer. And for the rest have planting that covers the surface, so, not much weeds popping up anyway.
Trimmed the edges of the pavement a bit, pulled some grass and weeds from between the tiles. Clipped the hedge a bit. All looking respectable enough.
Did the front garden Wednesday evening, and the back garden this evening. Should still mow the lawn, but it was too wet today, and yesterday I was not in the mood after six hours of walking in haste to get the mail done.