Woke up
Had shower got dressed and left the house.
Went to NRMA and got a home contents insurance quote and policy.
Went to Harvey Norman and picked out a 5kg washing machine.
Took a drive around the beaches before heading home.
Waited by phone for the agent and conveyancer to call me to say settlement was done.
Went to agent and picked up the keys (she gaves me a present too, a cookbook

Went to the house and identified all the keys, tested the taps, checked all the lights.
Went back home and picked up a few things to dump in the house, took mum's stepladder.
Went to Big W and bought several new energy saving lightbulbs (not enough though, will make second trip tomorrow maybe).
Came back to the house and changed several lightbulbs (using the stepladder).
Set up the phone handset I bought a while ago and tested the line, found out the previous occupiers undisconnected phone number.
Locked up the house and left.
Now I will spend the rest of the night at home doing my usual
