My daughter has to take a prophylactic dose of the antibiotic every day because she has renal reflux. If she didn't, she would be very prone to getting a bladder infection that would quickly move to her kidneys and damage them because of the reflux. I'm very grateful for modern medicine because I know she would be dead without it. She was born with renal reflux and a large hole in her heart, among other things.
nasty - poor thing.

i'm not one of these mental naturopaths who think we should all take bloody arnica for a broken leg. in acute and/or chronic situations as your daughter has, of course we need to use anti-bs. my concern is more that they're prescribed for the littlest thing, and even colds, which is fucking pointless.

on thursday, i reached straight for the antihistamines and the steroid cream, not the calendula oil. i waited until the worst was over, before going back to gentler treatment, cos waiting to see if they work may have been too late (probably not, but i wasn't going to take that risk): at one point, i was really terrified that i was going to die.