I am. 
It's actually been bugging me a lot. The whole family thing. The career thing too. Yay angst.
What about you?
It's still a little trippy, but yeah, I think we can say I'm a grown-up at this point. Not all my friends my age or even a little older are. Hell, not even most. Career is.... actually OK, right now, I think. If I haven't started actually making enough to actively save (over and above my 403b, which I'm loading up as much as I'm allowed), I'm close, anyway (I'll evaluate that when I do my taxes). I like my job- so much it's almost scary, really. I've no desire to breed, so I feel little biological pressure to hurry up on anything I don't have in place now. I do wish I had a partner, but I feel like the ability to function without one is grown-up in and of itself.
I think I'm also coming to acceptance that there's not much in the way of "real adults" out there. There's some people who have knowledge that I don't posses and can access, but everyone isn't smarter and more experienced than me, even if I feel more insecure than they seem to be (and often that's either bravado or stupidity, not well-founded confidence). Still freaks me out a bit, but I'm not always mourning it.
Long post- was thinking about this earlier today.