Hey Scrap. When your ego is threatened rather than allow self examination, why not create a new persona and try to rewrite reality?
This is quite obviously scrap or perhaps a friend of scrap
If scrap is steveadmin he seems to be getting onto i2 easy enough
Well I think it is Scrap,
I think the general consensus is that it is Scrap.
Short answer...EVERYONE thinks it is Scrap but none of us know.
Well I think the high odds would favour Scrap.
Could be someone other than Scrap (unlikely as it may be)
Odds favour Scrap
I still think it is Scrap (foreign IP) notwithstanding.
In the past you have, as Scrap has, taken shots at the site for fun and drama.
I had no idea I was living inside your mind, rent free, for the past year.
I'm flattered.
Anyways, it just goes to show how you obsess over me, thinking that I was SteveAdmin without a shred of evidence, and even when presented with contrary evidence, that it wasn't me. You WANTED it to be me.