A lot of the times, I see myself to be quite sane and rational and fair when dealing with people in real life, but sometimes I just f*ck it up and end up randomly having a fight with a slightly "unempathetic" NT over something that may seem so silly and trivial to the NT but serious to me.
I don't know why it's serious for me exactly, but it just happens to be, whatever the reason may be.
For example, at work, 3 weeks ago, I ended up wrestling my coworker (and ripping his shirt off in the process) because I refused for him to mop the floor of the back room of the computer shop when I was around and suggested he do it another time. For me, as the floor wasn't sticky and no customers come into the back room anyway, I didn't see much point behind the urgency of the mopping. But nevertheless, my refusal to have him mop at the time got him pissed off he slapped me across the face and then that's when I retaliated and eventually left the shop that day to him alone.
The floor had been somewhat dirty for quite some time, though. So I can see now after some clarity of mind after the event why he would want to have it mopped right when he could.
But just shows how silly some situations can get just because of seemingly innocent differences in mentality.
Does anyone relate to what I'm trying to say here?