Ahh but you WILL drift around forever, zegh. Sort of.
Forever is a LONG TIME
That's why I MUST land somewhere, sometime.
It's math:
Universe - nearly infinite floating space
Interspersion with massive objects, near impossible odds compared to floating space
but the chance is there, if I have a 0,01% chance every 1000 years of floating, to hit an object, if you give me 100 000 years, we're up to 1%, after 10 million years of floating around, odds-wise, it should be about time I got dragged into the gravitational field of a planet or a star (ulp!) and landed there. I would stay there untill they are undone. If I stay on a star, I will be flung out by the ultimate blast, providing I survive the actual heat. This fling will send me flying at top speed, and increase my chances at encountering some surface again.
We keep playing with odds, if we separate planets from stars we should get different numbers - stars are more plentiful and heavyer, maybe I could count on a planet encounter every 1 billion years.
A quick number tossed out in a science show, was "intelligent life on every 10 000 star in the galaxy" - totally arbitrary of course, but we throw it in, and we get my possibility of crashing into a planet inhabited by intelligent life every 10 trillion years. Consider the universe NOW is only 13 billion years.
Who knows how long a universe even lasts? I am the firm believer that nothing is "ONE!" and that universes are many, in a system, maybe a system within a system within a system. "Big bang" is the start of ours, that certain, but this also means if universes come and go, I would persist inside the system governing the individual universes.
Somehow :I