I can only imagine such a fate, as a form of hell.
I imagine it goes for a lot of aspies/auties, not just me, but I have to continuously seek new knowledge. Being unable to, for all eternity; and not only that, but in your scenario, the knowledge gained assuming there was anything left to learn, there would be no way to implement or otherwise make use of any of it.
I imagine the result, would be insanity. And there wouldn't be a living thing left to hear you scream.
And as for being sucked into, and spat out of, a quasar...I don't think that would be possible, even for an immortal, un-killable being. The gravity field of such a massive object, or of the black hole that powers a quasar would keep you there, trapped.
Assuming of course, that one wasn't instantaneously fried extra-crispy by the radiated X-rays, UV, IR output of the quasar, which in the case of some of the most powerful, according to wikipedia, can exceed 2 trillion times that of our sun.
The core of a quasar, apparently, are supermassive black holes.
So coming towards one, one would be stretched into a very long, very thin streak of meat paste.
How do you fancy spending the rest of eternity as a noodle?

I'd be up for cryonics myself, definitely, having one's consciousness implanted into a robotic body, or a cloned, meat-based body would be pretty sweet. Hypothetically, perhaps one's consciousness could be repeatedly implanted into 'blank' clones, to be replaced as they wear out.