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ADHD meds
Did you try dexamphetamine or its equivalent?
--- Quote from: renaeden on June 05, 2016, 12:46:28 AM ---Did you try dexamphetamine or its equivalent?
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I missed this at the time.
But no, I haven't.
I know a few people who get dexamphetamine compounded so they only have to take it once a day. I would do it but it's too expensive for me and there is no chemist around here that does it anyway.
Ritalin works well for me, and I only have to take it once a day.
--- Quote from: renaeden on July 21, 2016, 03:20:31 AM ---I know a few people who get dexamphetamine compounded so they only have to take it once a day. I would do it but it's too expensive for me and there is no chemist around here that does it anyway.
--- End quote ---
I wish I could send over some American talent. :heisenberg:
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