Whst lead up to your AS diagnosis?
My primary school wanted to send me to special needs education back in the late 1980's. One of my teachers said to my mother they thought I was brain damaged and that it was an act of god punishing her for divorcing my father....yeah she ended up with senile dementia so clearly not on gods favourite side there stupid mrs baker
When I had a statutory assessment done on me they found my IQ was in excess of the top 2% of the UK population (my grandfather was 0.5% so clearly ive been dumbed down with some genes) and basically the school got put in their place that they were the ones at fault. Still had no answers as to why I was abit of an oddity at school, my aunts partner who happened to have been trainned in aspergers and segmatic pragmatic at the time (when Lorna wing was doing her work about aspergers before it became an official diangosis) she reckoned I was Segmatic pragmatic (if your going to be misdiagnosed this is by far the next best thing from a proper asperger diagnosis) By pure luck when I was assessed again I saw a locum instead of the normal one who reckoned I had aspergers, went to see professer Patricia Howlin who formally diagnosed me with Aspergers around 1992 making me one of the first to be diagnosed in the UK and probably the first in Hertfordshire though ive not been able to confirm that, would be interesting to find out anyway
After that it was a battle through education. Spent my seconday (what you will call high school) catching up with what my primary school failed to teach me properly, basic english grammer, maths etc so I had to play a catch up game as well as do my GCSE's