Big Brother is NOT a friend of the people. The state, by its very nature, craves control over people, and will stoop to all manner of abuses in order to hang onto power, and of course, they always 'need' this, that, or the other new form of authority, something else to enforce/or to better enforce some existing regulations.
The plague of CCTV cameras is hardly a deterrent to criminals, solve few crimes, and in general, those 'innovations' that give the pork, and big brother yet more of the power they so greedily crave, are not good things to be used in the spirit of benevolence. Much more often, they are, or wind up being, used to create and maintain a state of fear, uncertainty and doubt amongst us 'common people'
Or as one (now former) govt. minister over here in the UK so charmingly put it 'plebs'
And I for one, don't take to the idea of being watched, nearly everywhere I go if its in a public, urban/city place, it just doesn't sit well with my private, and introvert nature.
Thank hades that the infestation hasn't reached the places I feel most 'at home' and at peace, out in the woods.