Democracy is a catastrophe, and is _entirely_ reliant on a well educated population. Commercialism and capitalism is detrimental to a functioning democracy.
"Democracy" has become a cult-word. If you speak against it, you are a terrorist or another similar cult-word, "insurgent" maybe, who cares. I do not understand how people have come to see democracy as a synonym for complete success. India is a democracy. Kenya is a democracy. Peru is a democracy. America is a democracy. So far, "democracy" is proving to be just as disastrous as any other method of ruling a nation. Compare communist, one-party USSR (boo hoo they didn't have the freedom to wank around and wear mickey mouse hats! the injustice!!!) and federalist Russia (hurray! 70% of GDP is directly controlled by organized crime groups!)
it is just not "a single example" or "a bad apple", but it is a hallmark of what happens when you implement western style democracy (democracy + rampant market liberalism + complete removal of state control)
And Lit, I know you hate da state, but there's bad states and good states and in-between-states. Humans are wild creatures, and need to be governed. Maybe it offends you personally, but think of everyone else.
Think of when you're out driving in a car w the boys. Young, cool men often like to not wear the safety belt. Suggesting to wear it, is often interpreted as a lack of trust towards the driver, so what I tell them is: OUR driver may be good and well, but who knows what bastard may slam into our side?
An optimal government should be a regulator, to make sure the strong don't trample all over the weak, simply because they can. It also should be an "umbrella" that everyone contributes to, and that then spreads this wealth evenly, so that decent roads are built in both the rich and the poor neighborhood, and not just the one who can pay for it. Society today has reduced itself to revolve entirely around money, but luckily this is not grounded in biology, but in culture. This means that this particular issue (rampant capitalism) can be fixed French Revolution style.