Author Topic: 2012 - a retrospective  (Read 41493 times)

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Re: 2012 - a retrospective
« Reply #270 on: November 13, 2012, 09:35:55 AM »
Well, let me put my two cents in again.

Back in the old Intensity days we had nudes, dicks, sexual innuendo, teasing, etc.  Sort of a locker room mentality.  We also bashed (rightly or wrongly) richard, penty, razorbeard, etc.  We posted less about problems (Adam excepted) and had a more light-hearted attitude about the site. 

Could this be in part what people are missing?

Yes. Totally yes. Things were great then.

That is exactly what I missed.

Richard is still being bashed plenty, as would Penty if he were around and acting as though he deserved it..  Is it the dicks that everyone misses?  :dunno:

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Re: 2012 - a retrospective
« Reply #271 on: November 13, 2012, 10:12:21 AM »
Well, let me put my two cents in again.

Back in the old Intensity days we had nudes, dicks, sexual innuendo, teasing, etc.  Sort of a locker room mentality.  We also bashed (rightly or wrongly) richard, penty, razorbeard, etc.  We posted less about problems (Adam excepted) and had a more light-hearted attitude about the site. 

Could this be in part what people are missing?

Yes. Totally yes. Things were great then.

That is exactly what I missed.

Richard is still being bashed plenty, as would Penty if he were around and acting as though he deserved it..  Is it the dicks that everyone misses?  :dunno:
I still say it's just a phase. Something will happen to get everyone fired back up again, word spreads, people start returning. Then eventually it dies down again. Wash. Rinse. Repeat. I've been on forums for a long time and that always seems to be the case.
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Re: 2012 - a retrospective
« Reply #272 on: November 13, 2012, 10:18:28 AM »
Well, let me put my two cents in again.

Back in the old Intensity days we had nudes, dicks, sexual innuendo, teasing, etc.  Sort of a locker room mentality.  We also bashed (rightly or wrongly) richard, penty, razorbeard, etc.  We posted less about problems (Adam excepted) and had a more light-hearted attitude about the site. 

Could this be in part what people are missing?

Yes. Totally yes. Things were great then.

That is exactly what I missed.

Richard is still being bashed plenty, as would Penty if he were around and acting as though he deserved it..  Is it the dicks that everyone misses?  :dunno:
I still say it's just a phase. Something will happen to get everyone fired back up again, word spreads, people start returning. Then eventually it dies down again. Wash. Rinse. Repeat. I've been on forums for a long time and that always seems to be the case.

  :agreed:    I can't imagine what a site like this could do  *purposely*  to attract
  younger or new members.  The site just has to be itself, and people will hear about it
  or not, and they will join or not.  I don't see what else there is to be done.
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Re: 2012 - a retrospective
« Reply #273 on: November 13, 2012, 10:53:27 AM »
So, some two hundred and seventy something posts later, after MLA posted his graphs, people are still posting about how great it is and there is nothing wrong.     :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

blah blah blah

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Re: 2012 - a retrospective
« Reply #274 on: November 13, 2012, 11:02:54 AM »
QV has pretty much nailed it.

And no. I havent pushed for another off-forum meet-up, although Schleed has created one, and I am a member.

Beyond that, what does it matter? MLA created graphs that showed the huge drop in activity. I gave my opinion on what I felt was part of the problem.
Are my opinions really so important that they warrant this level of scrutiny? Most of the time, when people cant understand the point Im trying to make, they give up after a couple of minutes and smile politely. Youre still going strong after a couple of days ???

You gave your opinion of MLA's graph and I've tried to understand what you were saying ever since. Do you think it's wrong of me to want that clarified? This is a site based on opinion and argument, in addition to boobs. What did you expect?

I'm glad you've finally admitted to pretty much what I said all along: it's about people, not age.

Its not wrong of you to want it clarified. It does feel strange though. IRL, I often fail to put my point across well, and nobody seems interested in getting to the bottom of what I was trying to say. The people who love me most are happy to smile at me, and pretend they know what Im saying, when they clearly dont have a clue what Im saying.
It feels strange that anyone is really all that interested in my opinions, or what Im trying to say.

I'm glad you've finally admitted to pretty much what I said all along: it's about people, not age.
Im not fully sure I agree. There are different issues.
This site needs more good members, young or old. I think we probably all agree on that.
I believe this site also needs an injection of youth. That is just my opinion.

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Re: 2012 - a retrospective
« Reply #275 on: November 13, 2012, 11:16:24 AM »
I cant help but feel that this would have died down ages ago if it wasnt the fact that it was me who made the comment.

Pot kettle black. Would you have continued if it had been somebody else than me and Les replying?

Absolutely yes. TBH, I would prefer to never interact with Les again. Its highly unlikely I would ever choose to initiate any interaction with Les unless he was attacking me, or a good friend. I would never comment on his views or opinions, unless they were clearly aimed at me or a friend.

As for you, its true that I have a certain level of distrust towards you, just as Im sure you have towards me.
Despite your failings and the way you are towards me, I think you are a decent guy at heart. I am prepared to argue a point with you, but dont really have a great desire to do so.

Your post could not be further from the truth, and you are misjudging me a lot.

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Re: 2012 - a retrospective
« Reply #276 on: November 13, 2012, 11:19:31 AM »
Just so i think I know what you mean Butterflies.
The problem that you three members of this site have is that their are older people here, but some of those older people are fine.
That there has been some younger members who have left for various reason but not as to the age of people on here.
That you want it to change but do not wish to actually do anything to change it or suggest ways in which it ought to change
You believe that myself and Odeon are antagonistic towards you and ought not be...for some reason.
You believe that asking to have vague positions clarified is akin to being antagonistic
You seem to be pushing for another off-forum meet up for the younger members (like Spasticity and Zomgaspies) and denouncing IntensitySquared
You seem to say that You, Adam and Shleed may leave or cut back on posting....and we need to make things better for you if we want you to post more.
Is that the crux?

If so....I gotta say i am quite happy with the place. If you can give constructive advice on this place and be less vague that would be super. If you and whomever else want to leave or reduce your posting then OK.

Is that what I should have got out of all of this?

QV has pretty much nailed it.

And no. I havent pushed for another off-forum meet-up, although Schleed has created one, and I am a member.

Beyond that, what does it matter? MLA created graphs that showed the huge drop in activity. I gave my opinion on what I felt was part of the problem.
Are my opinions really so important that they warrant this level of scrutiny? Most of the time, when people cant understand the point Im trying to make, they give up after a couple of minutes and smile politely. Youre still going strong after a couple of days ???

I dunno.

I think that a big part of the reason was that it was an opinion on the viability and value of the site which will always get my attention. Normally it is someone like Meadow saying "You guys are shit and your site is shit and it will burn in hell" kind of thing, which will get a reaction but a fairly dismissive one.
Something a little bit more reasoned will get a bit more input from me.

Another big part of it is that it was you and it was you seeming to indicate or infer something as what you were saying looked vague. So I was "(antagonistically"?) asking to clarify what you were saying and what you weren't.

A further part to things of course is I was having a bit of a deja vu moment.
It felt to me vaguely familiar.
You , Adam, Shleed.
Saying something against the oldies or the established senior members here or the site in general - due to these members
Promoting the younger members here
Suggesting an alternative to spending time elsewhere
Suggesting change here because the site is no good
All of this seemed like it happened once before. I trying to remember. I vaguely remember Squiddy and Bint were involved and it was not quite as cordial.

All good though. That is just an answer to what you asked.
I guess if anyone leaves they can. I guess if anyone wants to post the kind of things they like posting, then that is ok too. I guess if anyone wants to do their own thing that is cool too. No one here is responsible for anyone else or is ultimately responsible for anyone's enjoyment.
I think if someone wants to see more jokes they ought to start posting more and get the ball rolling
If someone wants to see more nudes, then they ought to star posting more and get the ball rolling
If someone wants to see more teasing then they should could start teasing me for example.  :asthing:

I really dont want to tease you.

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Re: 2012 - a retrospective
« Reply #277 on: November 13, 2012, 11:31:03 AM »
Well, let me put my two cents in again.

Back in the old Intensity days we had nudes, dicks, sexual innuendo, teasing, etc.  Sort of a locker room mentality.  We also bashed (rightly or wrongly) richard, penty, razorbeard, etc.  We posted less about problems (Adam excepted) and had a more light-hearted attitude about the site. 

Could this be in part what people are missing?

Yes. Totally yes. Things were great then.

That is exactly what I missed.

Richard is still being bashed plenty, as would Penty if he were around and acting as though he deserved it..  Is it the dicks that everyone misses?  :dunno:

TBH, that is a part of it for me, but only a small part.

Please dont ask me to name names, but I feel we do still get our fair share of dicks here. However, instead of being cannon fodder, they are becoming respected members.
In a way, this is good. The site is becoming more open to all, and not just "a barely-legal, completely unethical, den of iniquity that exists mainly for the amusement of a socially-able aspergic elite."
However, bad a person as it makes me, I preferred it the way it was.

*This is an opinion. It cant be backed up. To name any names would be cruel and unnecessary, towards people who have done me no ill.

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Re: 2012 - a retrospective
« Reply #278 on: November 13, 2012, 11:42:15 AM »
So, some two hundred and seventy something posts later, after MLA posted his graphs, people are still posting about how great it is and there is nothing wrong.     :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:


I have to admit, I cant understand how anyone can say the sites OK at the moment.

I can totally get MKs point that it will pick up again, and I hope she's right. She might well be.
I can fully respect people disagreeing with my opinions on where the site is failing. Its very possible that my opinion is wrong, and this sites downturn has nothing to do with the fact that it has so few young people involved now.
It might even be the case that despite what I say, there are other ways to revitalize the site that dont involve encouraging youth a bit more.

However, to suggest that things are rosy in the i2 garden right now, seems like sticking their head in the sand.

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Re: 2012 - a retrospective
« Reply #279 on: November 13, 2012, 12:23:11 PM »
Quote from: butterflies
I don't get why this has turned into such a big deal either. Im sure we allhave our opinions on why a forum dies down or gets boring (in our eyes). What's so controversial about saying it seems more like a retirement home?

If you think that is what it is about, you've missed pretty much the whole point.

What are you saying it's about?

Edited to fix the quotes

About trying to understand what makes it a retirement home in his eyes and others' an what it actually means. I'd like to understand. I would like people to enjoy the site and if there is something I can do, it wouldn't be a bad thing.

My apologies if I don't make sense, I'm still post-op drugged.
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Re: 2012 - a retrospective
« Reply #280 on: November 13, 2012, 12:24:10 PM »
So, some two hundred and seventy something posts later, after MLA posted his graphs, people are still posting about how great it is and there is nothing wrong.     :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:


I have to admit, I cant understand how anyone can say the sites OK at the moment.

I can totally get MKs point that it will pick up again, and I hope she's right. She might well be.
I can fully respect people disagreeing with my opinions on where the site is failing. Its very possible that my opinion is wrong, and this sites downturn has nothing to do with the fact that it has so few young people involved now.
It might even be the case that despite what I say, there are other ways to revitalize the site that dont involve encouraging youth a bit more.

However, to suggest that things are rosy in the i2 garden right now, seems like sticking their head in the sand.
I actually do agree with you. I don't think it's rosy in the garden at all. It all feels a bit "flat" for lack of a better term. Why it feels that way and how to change it? I really don't know. But I also know i'm not one for drama. I have so much of it in my day to day life the past few years that I've had my fill and I walk away when I see it happening elsewhere. So for me flat is A-OK at  the moment :P But that's not going to appeal to anyone and interest will drop. I totally get that.
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Re: 2012 - a retrospective
« Reply #281 on: November 13, 2012, 12:37:32 PM »
I cant help but feel that this would have died down ages ago if it wasnt the fact that it was me who made the comment.

Pot kettle black. Would you have continued if it had been somebody else than me and Les replying?

Absolutely yes. TBH, I would prefer to never interact with Les again. Its highly unlikely I would ever choose to initiate any interaction with Les unless he was attacking me, or a good friend. I would never comment on his views or opinions, unless they were clearly aimed at me or a friend.

As for you, its true that I have a certain level of distrust towards you, just as Im sure you have towards me.
Despite your failings and the way you are towards me, I think you are a decent guy at heart. I am prepared to argue a point with you, but dont really have a great desire to do so.

Your post could not be further from the truth, and you are misjudging me a lot.

I don' think my post is that far from the truth, tbh.
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Re: 2012 - a retrospective
« Reply #282 on: November 13, 2012, 12:47:19 PM »
So, some two hundred and seventy something posts later, after MLA posted his graphs, people are still posting about how great it is and there is nothing wrong.     :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:


I have to admit, I cant understand how anyone can say the sites OK at the moment.

I can totally get MKs point that it will pick up again, and I hope she's right. She might well be.
I can fully respect people disagreeing with my opinions on where the site is failing. Its very possible that my opinion is wrong, and this sites downturn has nothing to do with the fact that it has so few young people involved now.
It might even be the case that despite what I say, there are other ways to revitalize the site that dont involve encouraging youth a bit more.

However, to suggest that things are rosy in the i2 garden right now, seems like sticking their head in the sand.
I actually do agree with you. I don't think it's rosy in the garden at all. It all feels a bit "flat" for lack of a better term. Why it feels that way and how to change it? I really don't know. But I also know i'm not one for drama. I have so much of it in my day to day life the past few years that I've had my fill and I walk away when I see it happening elsewhere. So for me flat is A-OK at  the moment :P But that's not going to appeal to anyone and interest will drop. I totally get that.

I agree, and I also dont know how to fix it. If I did, I would be happy to tell. FWIW, I dont think that more drama is a necessity. I think that more action is.

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Re: 2012 - a retrospective
« Reply #283 on: November 13, 2012, 12:51:21 PM »
OK not more drama then.... more games  ;)
blah blah blah

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Re: 2012 - a retrospective
« Reply #284 on: November 13, 2012, 12:54:27 PM »
I cant help but feel that this would have died down ages ago if it wasnt the fact that it was me who made the comment.

Pot kettle black. Would you have continued if it had been somebody else than me and Les replying?

Absolutely yes. TBH, I would prefer to never interact with Les again. Its highly unlikely I would ever choose to initiate any interaction with Les unless he was attacking me, or a good friend. I would never comment on his views or opinions, unless they were clearly aimed at me or a friend.

As for you, its true that I have a certain level of distrust towards you, just as Im sure you have towards me.
Despite your failings and the way you are towards me, I think you are a decent guy at heart. I am prepared to argue a point with you, but dont really have a great desire to do so.

Your post could not be further from the truth, and you are misjudging me a lot.

I don' think my post is that far from the truth, tbh.

Its miles from the truth. I dont want to argue with Les at all. Why on Earth would I want to argue with someone who I truly dislike, and who is only going to continue writing essays at me. Its not like I can even win. It will just go the exact same way as any argument anyone has with him, and be an endless exchange of essays. I have no interest in that. I would much prefer to keep out of his way, and him to keep out of mine.