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2012 - a retrospective

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--- Quote from: bodaccea on November 28, 2012, 04:16:53 PM ---Anyway,  does my bum look big in this?

--- End quote ---

I can't tell from this angle  :autism:


--- Quote from: bodaccea on November 28, 2012, 04:16:53 PM ---I really don't mind arguments.  I usually feel inclined one way or another.  I wasn't fired up in this thread.  No one really riled me up.

Anyway,  does my bum look big in this? and has anyone seen my imaginary friend around?

--- End quote ---

I need more pics to tell.

So, anyway, back to my original post some 42 pages back.  :zoinks:

  Bodie, is that you in your avatar?   :apondering:

...looking for a wide angle lens :zoinks:


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