Whatever is on the holder will do, directionwise, unless there is no roll on the holder. I sometimes put one on, if its there, if I have to get it, chances are, I won't bother changing the holder after walking downstairs to get some from the kitchen, and just stand it on the holder, or stack a few rolls on the top of the bog cistern.
Yes, I've been guilty of being a hateful bastard at times from the looks of it though too:P
I try to leave some however, nobody wants to end up 'caught short' so to speak. Although I do have a roll in my room anyway, that I use to swab down the mortar and pestle I use to powder my morphine nice and finely to make my shots with MeOH or IPA (preferably the methanol, because it is SO much cheaper, and besides, I buy my methanol in big 5- or ten liter jugs, at pretty low cost, whereas propan-2-ol costs me much more. Can't remember how much for the big jugs of isopropyl, haven't bought one in a while because last time I needed any and bought it, I needed it THEN, not in a few days awaiting delivery of an order. And since then every time I've begged a bit off my dad, because he uses it for cleaning electronics, PCBs etc. for his hobby-tinkering, whatever the devil it is (not something I have much to do with at all, he has his thing and I have my mycology, physics, chem and biotech, he has HIS personal little enclave of tinkerdom, and I have my own skunk-works for my R&D and productivity. There wouldn't be room to swing a neurotyp..ahem.. I mean.. cat in either his sanctum or mine own, were either of them to attempt to host the various personal hordes of equipment and sundries of the other in addition to the natural occupant's stuff.
When the mortar cleaning roll is there though I at least know I have the security of knowing I can't end up dropping one and running out, then having to wrap a towel round my middle and run downstairs walking like a

with a cork up its arsehole, in the act of desperately holding in what nature wants to mail by somewhere in the region of 8th class post to china.