I would probably beat everyone to death, just to try to save myself from going insane. Nothing personal.

Sanity is over rated
So is beating people to death. It's not as fun as everyone makes it out of be 
I trust the gamer on this. 

OK, so not all the way to death, so much, but how about just until they shit themselves and must be hospitalized for weeks; OK by you?
Now that level, I can talk about with first hand knowledge.
I am not talking about a game, either. I am talking about people who tried to hurt me and I prevailed.
My earlier post was more about social anxiety than how I would react if attacked.
Understand, there was a time in the late seventies when three hoodlums were trying to steal my entire camera rig (worth over two thousand dollars - back then, a sizable investment in an innocent hobby) and I used my old "F Model" as a mace and I took two of them oout with two swings and the third hoodlum ran away before I could hit him.
It did not hurt my camera, but it took a while to remove all the blood and hair from the outer surfaces. As far as I know, no one died, but the HUGE firsst guy I hit was definitely injured severely. The second stroke was a kind of swung around weak stroke, which I intended to repeat immediately if he was still standing.
He did not stand. He fell instantly and began bleeding from his nose, mouth and one ear. I focused on the third, but he was already running as fast as he could have. That was about nineteen seventy nine and I was about twenty four. Did not really want any trouble that day, but I am never unprepared.
Using my favorite camera to get me out of a threatening situation was jusst one bit of what my studies had taught me.
Oh, forgot to mention about shitting. The first one I slammed with my camera mace, huge fucking guy (always take out the largest one first! One simple rule of survival, with my compliments) went down instantly, bleeding through his nose (I hit him with a downward stroke in the upper part of the back of his head, not his nose) and shit himself.