Don't know what to fill in in the poll.
I've smoked, on occasions. Liked the taste, did inhale, but, it did not make me crave for more.
Found it ideal, when going out with friends, after one fag, smoke in bars didn't irritate my eyes any more.
Liked the taste of cigars even better. So, may have bought three tins of cigars, in my life. (yeah, really heavy user....)
Smoked a bit more around my twenties and forties, when I used cannabis using tobacco as a flammable. Was not hard to stop with that either. Disliked the effect of the tobacco.
Somehow the smoking things, and alcohol are not the hard addictions.
Chocolate though, that's way harder.
And, when agitated, under stress, or what ever, I crave dairy and sugar, and, it isn't doing me any good when I'm in that mode. Downward spiral, making me crave for more, etc.
Funny, when everything is OK, sugar and milk don't have that hold on me.