When my parents where young there were no speed limits in Sweden at all outside the towns and cities. Now we have 110 kmph/70 mph on highways as most or 120kmph/75 mph on a few highways on test in southern Sweden. It's ridiculos, since the Germans have free speed on their highways, and Germany is about 20 times more densed populated than Sweden. But since a few idiots don't know when it's safe to drive 200 kmph/120 mph and not, of course the right to drive as fast as you can on the highways should be taken away from all of us.
I think most states in the US have seat belt laws, but in most states they're just nominal, that is, you won't get feed, the cops will only tell you to turn your belt on if they stop you. In Sweden it now costs about $300 not to wear a seat belt. What the hell has the state to do with me hurting myself, especially in the US, where you pay most of your health care and hospital bills yourself? And the NT tax payers in Sweden owe me a stay in the hospital anyway, because their stupidity is one of the reasons my life sucks.
Every state in the U.S. has some speed limit on all their highways, as far as I know, Litigious. That speed limit is greater than 55 on the interstate highways in remote areas; however, the speed limits vary by state.
In this state, the police cannot stop you just because you are not wearing a seat belt; however, if you are stopped for another violation of the law and are found not to be wearing a seat belt in the front seat or if you have a child in your car who is not in a car seat or wearing a seat belt, depending on the child's age, you would be fined.
In the states with mandatory helmet laws, they find it necessary to protect people from themselves and legislate common sense, with which I disagree. Their argument is that a rider who has an accident and injures his head hurts more people than just himself.
We don't have those sissy laws in my state.
One European idea they are trying to use around here which drives me batty are those traffic circles!
That is fine if they design the road for them and show the people how to use them with signs, but here they just stuck a circular concrete barrier in the middle of an intersection that was not designed for it and called it a traffic circle, the stupid blockheads! Several cars crashed into it because it was a normal intersection and they failed to see the stupid concrete barrier, so they tried putting reflectors on it at first and then they finally removed the stupid monstrosity.
I could see it was an idiotic idea the very first time I saw it. Why couldn't they? I wonder how many cars were crashed and how many people were injured on the altar of their idiocy before they removed it!