Gun control is like debating apples vs. oranges, we can debate it until hell freezes over and nothing will ever change.

I respect everyone's views because we're all coming from different areas, and have seen different things.
This area has been subject to frequent home invasions, 2 most notable resulting in the stabbing of 2 of the occupants, and the other resulting in the death of the intruder after he broke in an older couples home at 4:30 am on Thanksgiving morning. Both just up the road from me.
With budget cuts and a sometimes understaffed police force, an average response time of possibly 30 minutes or longer from 911 (depending on location), and the fact that with the exception of my son I am alone 90% of the time, I personally am grateful for the freedom we do have concerning self-defense and firearms and my views I'm sure will not change.
On a strange note...over 2 months ago a guy I dated 20+ years ago and haven't seen since, showed up at my FIL's, higher than a kite waving a pistol around demanding to know where I was living since my mom had passed away. Thankfully my FIL put the fear of god into him, and he never showed up here. A few weeks later I saw he was doing jail time for heaven knows what. He was a tard 20+ years ago but okay, unfortunately now he's a tard fueled by oxy's. Ya just never know.