You are mostly right, but the problem with guns (and most lethal weapons, even swords, but swords and spears are less common lately

) is that they make killing more easily.
A person wanting to commit suicide for example, will have to give much more of an effort finding a bridge to jump off. If i wanted to kill myself _right now_, i'd actually have difficulty. my body can take a lot. i cant use the dull scissors in my house, they can barely cut paper. I could jump, head first, from my neighbors balcony i guess, but even then i could wake up brain damaged and paralized in the hospital.
A gun would make it significantly easyer.
But otherwise, you are right. Norway is FULL of guns, and yet, most of us dont ever used them to hurt others. By guns i mean "firearms", we dont have many handguns, but we do have tons of high powered hunting rifles. Almost a rifle-per-household in average (considering most hunter-families typically have 1-3 weapons)
Personally, I dont think guns should be outlawed. I want guns for myself, i love their designs, i would love to collect handguns and rifles, just to have and admire them

but there most definitely should be restrictions that make them difficult to aquire. we have that in norway, and imo it works pretty well (in my personal case i have two hinders: a police record, and poor economy. a nifty gun costs a lot). if you want a modern Glock 17 in norway, its gonna cost you some effort. but if you're a good boy, and follow the correct path, you will eventually own one.