Author Topic: These Russian youngsters are BRAVE...  (Read 530 times)

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These Russian youngsters are BRAVE...
« on: July 15, 2012, 02:32:57 PM »


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Re: These Russian youngsters are BRAVE...
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2012, 02:56:26 PM »
Spirited youngsters there.  :viking:


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Re: These Russian youngsters are BRAVE...
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2012, 03:08:32 PM »
 :agreed: :viking:

Offline Icequeen

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Re: These Russian youngsters are BRAVE...
« Reply #3 on: July 15, 2012, 03:16:29 PM »
Run Forest run. :thumbup:

"No one can tell what goes on in between the person you were and the person you become.
No one can chart that blue and lonely section of hell. There are no maps of the change.
You just come out the other side...

...or you don't"

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Offline Zippo

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Re: These Russian youngsters are BRAVE...
« Reply #4 on: July 16, 2012, 12:02:40 AM »

                                                         Zippo, Shotgun Surgeon.
if theres bees in the trap im catching them, by the thorax and abdomen. and sanding there stingers down to a rough quill. then i dip em in ink and i scribble a bit, and if the wriggle than i tickle them until they hold still, let me say it again, in my land of pretend, i use bees as a mother fucking pen!


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Re: These Russian youngsters are BRAVE...
« Reply #5 on: July 16, 2012, 01:01:33 AM »
??? Have you never experimented or destroyed an enemy clubhouse?


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Re: These Russian youngsters are BRAVE...
« Reply #6 on: July 16, 2012, 09:14:52 AM »
Graffiti is one thing, but blowing up some struggling farmer's property just seems mean.


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Re: These Russian youngsters are BRAVE...
« Reply #7 on: July 16, 2012, 09:56:32 AM »
You don't know to whom it belongs. Might have been some abandoned Soviet shit owned by the state.

Offline Icequeen

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Re: These Russian youngsters are BRAVE...
« Reply #8 on: July 16, 2012, 02:16:28 PM »
Probably the farmer's kids...what better way to get all that fertilizer? ;)

Looked a little too well-planned to be just random destruction to me.

Anyways, it was well done. I really hate it when they leave crap half-standing.
"No one can tell what goes on in between the person you were and the person you become.
No one can chart that blue and lonely section of hell. There are no maps of the change.
You just come out the other side...

...or you don't"

~Stephen King~

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Re: These Russian youngsters are BRAVE...
« Reply #9 on: July 16, 2012, 03:25:22 PM »
Pretty big ANFO charge (ammonium nitrate/fuel oil. A very insensitive but at the same time powerful HE. I wonder what they used for a booster charge. As ANFO requires a HE charge or powerful blasting cap to set it off)

Nicely executed I must say.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.


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Re: These Russian youngsters are BRAVE...
« Reply #10 on: July 16, 2012, 08:42:59 PM »
You don't know to whom it belongs. Might have been some abandoned Soviet shit owned by the state.
The get the hell out of Dodge alarm leads me to believe that is the case.


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Re: These Russian youngsters are BRAVE...
« Reply #11 on: July 17, 2012, 12:31:56 AM »
You don't know to whom it belongs. Might have been some abandoned Soviet shit owned by the state.
The get the hell out of Dodge alarm leads me to believe that is the case.


But you can't deny it was a nice bang  :viking:


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Re: These Russian youngsters are BRAVE...
« Reply #12 on: July 17, 2012, 01:52:28 AM »
 :agreed: :viking:

Offline Zippo

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Re: These Russian youngsters are BRAVE...
« Reply #13 on: July 17, 2012, 08:09:55 AM »
??? Have you never experimented or destroyed an enemy clubhouse?

no... i usually just destroyed the enemy as a kid. have not been in a fight in a while though.

                                                         Zippo, Shotgun Surgeon.
if theres bees in the trap im catching them, by the thorax and abdomen. and sanding there stingers down to a rough quill. then i dip em in ink and i scribble a bit, and if the wriggle than i tickle them until they hold still, let me say it again, in my land of pretend, i use bees as a mother fucking pen!

Offline Lestat

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Re: These Russian youngsters are BRAVE...
« Reply #14 on: July 17, 2012, 01:38:46 PM »
Lol, I was a right terror as a little kid. Had a lot of fun with pyro and explosives. One of the most fun was building shoulder-launched rockets and launching them into abandoned buildings :D

Nothing like a satisfying kablooey, accompanied by a whole load of smoke and flames to set one's heart racing. Thermite is another fun mixture/range of compositions to play around with, not explosive, excluding thermites based on copper oxide, along with a few other unusual metal oxides.

Thermites are a mixture of a metal powder and a metal oxide, the fine metal powder serving to strip the oxygen from the metal oxide, and in turn, become a metal oxide itself, reducing the original metal oxide to molten metal, accompanied by a veritable volcano of sparks, and a several thousand degrees C flame. They burn under water, along with the ability to keep going in a totally O2-free environment, can be used for welding, or metal casting into moulds. Or to cut through metal objects. And of course, for destroying stuff in a most effective manner xD

Perfect for incendiary grenades, or for incorporation into rocket-propelled munitions, do-it-yourself satchel charge type devices and the like. Lol, stick a bucket of thermite on a car bonnet, and it will never move again, ever:P

The common, prototypical thermite composition is a mixture of fine aluminium powder and iron oxide. Incredibly hard to light, but once it IS lit, it cannot be extinguished, pour water on it and it will just break apart into H2 and O2, fuelling the blaze. Needs sustained heating with a propane torch to ignite it, or more practically, the use of a strip of magnesium metal. Hit a burning thermite charge with a CO2 fire extinguisher? thermite burns hot enough to split CO2 apart and just add carbon and oxygen, to burn like fucking fury. Halogenated fire extinguishers, like halon? not 100% sure, but IMO quite likely to yield nasty stuff like phosgene.

Impossible to put out, a shower of sparks, 2000 degrees 'C flames, burns under water, so stable one can quite literally wallop it repeatedly with a sledgehammer without the merest fucking suggestion of it igniting, no possible accidental ignition of just plain ol' uncomplicated thermite powder, good for casting, welding, cutting through solid steel, what more could one possibly ask?:D

Thermites can be modified, using sulfur powder, to lower the ignition temperature, that type of composition is known as a thermate.

What else...building my own fireworks from scratch was a lot of fun. Roman candles, rockets, bangers that make anything available off the shelf look like a little kid's toy, air-bombs that again, make off the the shelf airbombs look like something you might give a 5yo kid to play with ....bugger the flash powder content of something like 50-100mg, give it a couple of grams, and ohboy, they go off with an ear-splitting bang:D
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.