So why the fuck do you use their holy book as an argument when you don't believe a word of it? But tell me now, which other parts of the bible should we interpret literally? Or is that a question you'd rather avoid?
No, I'm not interested in interpreting
any part of the Bible, I just say that
according to the Bible, Christian gay people is a self-contradiction.
Or is it just that you are a homophobic? Because if you aren't a Christian, and if you think practising Christians are "ridiculous", why do you care what happens in their churches?
I don't really give a fuck but it's just stupid political correctness when gays insist on marrying in the church.
That's what
really annoys me. I really don't think that most of them do it because they believe in God.
Any other minorities you want to bash, now that we're talking?
No, because it's not the minorities but the stupid acting that pisses me off.