Author Topic: Vegetarianism always pisses me off  (Read 3036 times)

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Re: Vegetarianism always pisses me off
« Reply #15 on: July 11, 2012, 07:08:58 AM »
^ That is the kind of hunting i respect.   :viking:
It is  'man' (or woman lol) at the top of the food chain and using his skill to feed his family.  Rich or poor.

I just wanted to distance myself from fox hunting.  Say 'hunting' here, and it is the first thing people think of.   I loathe that sport.  I don't like anything that reinforces a 'class structure' like that anyway,  but i also think it is barbaric.
blah blah blah


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Re: Vegetarianism always pisses me off
« Reply #16 on: July 11, 2012, 07:11:00 AM »
^ That is the kind of hunting i respect.   :viking:
It is  'man' (or woman lol) at the top of the food chain and using his skill to feed his family.  Rich or poor.

I just wanted to distance myself from fox hunting.  Say 'hunting' here, and it is the first thing people think of.   I loathe that sport.  I don't like anything that reinforces a 'class structure' like that anyway,  but i also think it is barbaric.

English aristocrats aren't BRAVE! :arrr:

Offline ZEGH8578

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Re: Vegetarianism always pisses me off
« Reply #17 on: July 11, 2012, 07:13:24 AM »

this has even been proven by psychological experiments, that clearly show that humans are helpless when it comes to the "gathering" instinct for example. we will gather despite being promised better rewards by not gathering.

This must be the reason that all people aren't anarchists, despite self-ruling being the only thing morally justifiable and most awarding at the same time. 99.99% believe in or pretend to believe in the lie that the "state" is something morally legitimate. A system where you force people who haven't done anything wrong per se can never be a moral one.

Anarchy is a paradox

1. Anarchy is always impossible: Humans will always conclude an action to be right or wrong, from any set of rules or guidelines. So, in itself, pure anarchy will never exist. It is abstract.
2. Anarchy is always implemented: Humans will always do whatever they want to do, whenever they want to do it, laws and rules and guidelines be damned. If i want to murder people, I will murder them. Today or tomorrow. But i dont want to. Theres concequences :D but i have no respect for the law in itself. i smoke weed. thats against the law.

modern society is much more like stone-age life than most people realize. just fancyer caves is all :D

the state IS natural tho, you have to remember: nobody planned this. nobody planned for humble tribes of 100 people, to grow into tens of millions.
as in: the "state" is the tribal elder. the chief. originally the chief knew everyone in his tribe. he was the elder. he was genuinely loved, and he genuinely loved his tribe back. he watched the tribes children grow up, and he told them stories of the past, and tought them to tie knots, and carve wood.
the "state" is simply a translation of a chief for a tribe of over a million people - when the instinct comes from small tribes of 100 people or less.
like ive often told my friends - ill get involed in the politicians, when they come home to me, bring weed and a dvd, and throw in a foot massage while theyre at it. maybe ill even vote against them, but at least ill care.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2012, 07:15:10 AM by ZEGH8578 »

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Re: Vegetarianism always pisses me off
« Reply #18 on: July 11, 2012, 07:52:48 AM »
When i say hunting, i don't mean fox hunting.  I just refer to a person who hunts and kills an animal for the main purpose of eating it.

Not sure how i feel about hunting with dogs.

i think bringing your own dog to help out with the hunt is a natural and harmonic thing to do, and must be extatic for the dog to actually do what it was made to do.

fox hunting doesnt count. its a snobby sadistic sport, where the chase itself is in focus.

my friend stein hunts. he is very code-bound, and i respect that. he approaches the deer, without being seen. how often do you approach huge, wild animals, without being spotted? :D
i find that amazing in itself.
then he fires _one_ shot. deers are powerful animals. they can take a shot, and laugh, so he has to hit the deer right in the torso, puncturing the lungs right through.
Then, when he has one deer, that = a freezer filled up with meat, so naturally, he has no further business interfering with wilderness, and returns home with his loot.

Does he use lead-free ammunition?  I wouldn't be keen on eating something that's got lead bullet fragments through it.

And hunters themselves? No large scale, intensive study has been done. But we’re beginning to see research that hints at risk there as well.  Tests by the CDC have warned of a risk of elevated level levels from eating game. A 2009 PLoS ONE study involved feeding venison contaminated with lead ammunition fragments (also identified by isotope analysis) to pigs. The pigs developed recognizable signs of lead exposure.  “At risk in the U.S. are some ten million hunters, their families, and low-income beneficiaries of venison donations,” the authors warned.  Both federal and state agencies are starting to distribute risk information on lead ammunition for hunters who use their lands.

It's the fish-isn't-meat crowd that pisses me off.
14:10 - Moarskrillex42: She said something about knowing why I wanted to move to Glasgow when she came in. She plopped down on my bed and told me to go ahead and open it for her.

14:11 - Peter5930: So, she thought I was your lover and that I was sending you a box full of sex toys, and that you wanted to move to Glasgow to be with me?

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Re: Vegetarianism always pisses me off
« Reply #19 on: July 11, 2012, 07:57:55 AM »
Does he use lead-free ammunition?  I wouldn't be keen on eating something that's got lead bullet fragments through it.

And hunters themselves? No large scale, intensive study has been done. But we’re beginning to see research that hints at risk there as well.  Tests by the CDC have warned of a risk of elevated level levels from eating game. A 2009 PLoS ONE study involved feeding venison contaminated with lead ammunition fragments (also identified by isotope analysis) to pigs. The pigs developed recognizable signs of lead exposure.  “At risk in the U.S. are some ten million hunters, their families, and low-income beneficiaries of venison donations,” the authors warned.  Both federal and state agencies are starting to distribute risk information on lead ammunition for hunters who use their lands.

It's the fish-isn't-meat crowd that pisses me off.

I dont know, but considering he's shooting deer, i am imagining that he is using copper jacketed rifle ammunition :I

And yes, when people do the "fish isnt meat" thats when theyre deep into "belief realm". In "belief realm" nothing works, logic is dead. this is where jesus walks on water and whatnot. once they are "believers", they are a lost cause.

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Re: Vegetarianism always pisses me off
« Reply #20 on: July 11, 2012, 08:22:14 AM »
My brothers both hunt, one of them hunts a lot and even I have gone a couple times but it's not something I find all that interesting .  They go for both deer and birds and will eat what ever they get and have eaten both squirrel and pigeon.  Deer in Ct are mostly hunted with Bow or shotgun mostly because you don't need as much land to do it on.   As far as dogs go the are mostly used to point out the birds then flush them from the thickets in duck hunting they retrieve the kill.  Some places require non lead shot but lead is still common but I would not be all that concerned about eating the meat that was killed with lead shot. 

As to vegetarians I feel differently about them depending on their motivation to do it  and there consistency with it.  I tire quickly of the be kind to animal types especially when they have leather shoes,  the same goes for the heath nut ones that always look somewhat sickly to me and preach about it.
"Eat it up.  Wear it out.  Make it do or do without." 

'People who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it.'
George Bernard Shaw

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Re: Vegetarianism always pisses me off
« Reply #21 on: July 11, 2012, 08:34:46 AM »
As to vegetarians I feel differently about them depending on their motivation to do it  and there consistency with it.  I tire quickly of the be kind to animal types especially when they have leather shoes,  the same goes for the heath nut ones that always look somewhat sickly to me and preach about it.

sigh.. theyre always so uncreative :D
i have a strict veggie in my extended family, not related. but its visible from far away. im amazed her skeleton even holds together, and im _genuinely_ worried to touch her, because im afraid ill tear her skin off, or break her or something...

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Re: Vegetarianism always pisses me off
« Reply #22 on: July 11, 2012, 09:04:43 AM »
^ That is the kind of hunting i respect.   :viking:
It is  'man' (or woman lol) at the top of the food chain and using his skill to feed his family.  Rich or poor.

I just wanted to distance myself from fox hunting.  Say 'hunting' here, and it is the first thing people think of.   I loathe that sport.  I don't like anything that reinforces a 'class structure' like that anyway,  but i also think it is barbaric.

English aristocrats aren't BRAVE! :arrr:

No, they are loathsome creatures.
blah blah blah


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Re: Vegetarianism always pisses me off
« Reply #23 on: July 11, 2012, 09:15:19 AM »
Vegetarians are ridiculous.  I'm a vegan.  You shouldn't let what other people do in the privacy of their own homes bother you so much.

Offline ZEGH8578

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Re: Vegetarianism always pisses me off
« Reply #24 on: July 11, 2012, 09:58:01 AM »
Vegetarians are ridiculous.  I'm a vegan.  You shouldn't let what other people do in the privacy of their own homes bother you so much.

If it only were so well.
You are free to both be a vegan, and to tell me that you are one. Just like a buddhist is free to be a buddhist, and tell me that he is a buddhist.
I just get pissed off if the buddhist begins to rationale why he has made the right choise, while i have not.

We've all heard christians tell us how they only mean the best for us, "i dont want you to go to hell :0 please believe in jesus!"

I just got another long wall of text on my fb wall, not directed at me, but still, a big guilt-trippy rant directed at everyone who eats meat, and i just had to vent a bit again :I

and come on
i also hate when vegetarians think "meat eaters" only ever eat meat, bathe in meat, dress meat, live for and worship meat.
i eat red meat like 5-6 time a year :I


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Re: Vegetarianism always pisses me off
« Reply #25 on: July 11, 2012, 10:17:17 AM »
So what you meant to say was "self-righteous blowhards always piss me off"

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Re: Vegetarianism always pisses me off
« Reply #26 on: July 11, 2012, 10:48:37 AM »
So what you meant to say was "self-righteous blowhards always piss me off"


They each get their turn


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Re: Vegetarianism always pisses me off
« Reply #27 on: July 11, 2012, 12:42:53 PM »
Vegetarians and vegans who eat for health reasons, or because they find meat disgusting/get sick from it etc. I have no problem with.

Vegetarians and vegans who eat for pious, utterly nonsense and political reasons while shoving their views down people's throats are the ones I have problems with. Frankly these kind should shove a carrot up their arseholes and kill themselves.

Sadly for vegans, 99% of them are the latter. Vegetarians usually are 50/50.

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Re: Vegetarianism always pisses me off
« Reply #28 on: July 11, 2012, 03:58:21 PM »
I got no problem with people eating whatever!  Many grey areas,  but a couple of things i just find wrong:

Farmers who feed vegetarian animals meat products.  That is evil.  :thumbdn:

flip side

Pet owners who try to force naturally carnivorous animals their vegetarian diet.  Dogs are not true carnivores but cats are.   :thumbdn:
blah blah blah

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Re: Vegetarianism always pisses me off
« Reply #29 on: July 11, 2012, 04:05:19 PM »

Zegh, It's a great pleasure to piss you off.
Some people are so delightfully sensitive about what they, or others eat.

I can do upside down chocolate moo things!