lit, i am fully aware of the curse of consumerism, as i have been doom-saying a lot about it myself. im just saying - one evil doesnt eliminate another ;]
i kept thinking about that when good-ol breivik was justifying himself, and i was thinking - assuming he is correct - then what?
then we're stuck with just another system, another "we are the only correct ones!" alternative, and another fringe would erupt and feel alienated, and end up shooting people to pieces.
lesson: humans are indeed one, around the world, and we're all completely flawed compared to the perfection we think we are.
we are perpetually doomed to fuck ourselves over - this has even been proven by psychological experiments, that clearly show that humans are helpless when it comes to the "gathering" instinct for example. we will gather despite being promised better rewards by not gathering.
we can look at one reward awaiting us, but still choose doom, even when fully concious of the concequences - as perfectly exemplified irl by for example environmentalism
consumerism: the fact that we are STILL, RIGHT NOW,
DURING the economic crisis allowing for advertisement on tv, huge private companies ruling national economies etc.
we can see what is killing us, and we are still not moving away.
im hoping china comes and occupy us all. and of course, that they do this without concentration camps and all of that nasty stuff :I
btw, my brother worked for a while in a slaughter house, and almost lost his apetite for meat altogether

but he went unprepared. he, like many, had never confronted the idea that meat comes from living animals.