This signwriter should be ashamed of themselves:
The apostrophe thing is even more common with acromyms for some reason. As if people just can't accept that big letters have a small letter after them without an apostrophe in between

bad grammar doesn't bother me at all. Online I mean. In an essay it would be different, but on internet forums I type pretty much how I'd speak. So I would probably put "none of us are" because that's what I'd say in conversation with someone
It's when people add something that shouldn't be there (ie got it wrong out of ignorance rather than laziness) that it bothers me. I know that's kinda asshole-ish. Which is why I try not to comment on grammar/punctuation mistakes as it shouldn't matter. Plus we all make them. Even people who are great at spelling and usually very careful about it all - you're bound to slip up sometimes.
It's weird how almost all of us have at least one or two grammar/punctuation pet peeves though.