the 2nd example there i think is common, ordinary, retardedness.
bullying is very prominent in scandinavia, but _nobody_ knows how to detect it. not even remotely.
i too had a few autie-rage moments with my bullies, causing them to keep purely to verbal abuse. the teachers never knew. this was almost 10 consecutive years, and the class teachers had _zero_ idea.
my mother dragged it out of me, then told the teachers, and you know what those briliant geniuses did?
they basically tattle taled on me.
they strolled right up to the bullies and went "have you been bullying him?" "noooo :0" "really? thats weird. he says you did" (i didnt. my mother did.)
obviously, it got ten times worse after that, and i had to autie-rage a few more times...

yes i notice quite often. and now and then, others notice too. my stepmother is particularily amazed at my ability to notice points-of-view or subtle details that others dont, be it movies, or psychology or whatever.