Oh gosh to many to write down, actually I could write a book on the spech moments in my life...Lord...Hum a few that come to mind:
Story 1:
Around the age of 9 my family and I would travel up to a time share my grandmother used to own...As a child I loved the swans that would flock around, swim and such...I'd run in the general direction of the flock as they were near the bank and throw bread at them 'here eat it!' a bit of a whee moment as a kid...At first they loved it, then they began to peck and bite me, there teeth would rip and bruise my skin but sense I have a high pain tolerance it didn't register as abnormal just oh they must want more...
A bit later on before we left there were 5 swans near the timeshare apartment, I was so giddy that I ran up to 'hug/pick up' one of these poor things, and ended up picking up the ahem wrong end...My index finger went up the feather covered rear end and the poor thing honked, as I was hugging/rectal examining it, and ran into the apartment a bit miffed and covered in green swan shit...

Much to the amusement of the adults there and the annoyance of my germ a phobe father
Story 2:
Around age 13 our family went camping, I had my very own pink fishing rod

My dad was teaching me how to cast a line all week long and I never could get it quiet correct because of my smooth motor coordination skills

So by the end of the trip I in a moment of un-genius deside to try one last time without water because that was probally the issue to begin with...

I end up casting the line and it gets cought in my shorts, dad goes all nuts on me thinking the hook is in my skin, twas not...He was pissed the rest of the way home...But I did catch myself instead of a fish...

Story 3:
Age 17 in high school, borderline anorexic and really grumpy version of myself with upper diet pills not a good combination...When a fellow female student asked if thus an such garment made her look 'fat' or what have you I'd answer honestly which usually was a yes or a snark combination of something else...Also I didn't get the whole thing with females all going to the bathroom at the same time, to stair in the mirror and talk at the sinks? What for? Still do not understand the logic behind it at 28 years of age...
I'll add more as I remember them