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Re: Random possibly useful fact
« Reply #930 on: December 11, 2017, 07:54:14 PM »

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Re: Random possibly useful fact
« Reply #932 on: December 11, 2017, 08:00:14 PM »
Oh fuck.

...Thanks though. My friend told me I should get a LinkedIn profile, so I did. Dunno how useful it would be.

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Re: Random possibly useful fact
« Reply #934 on: December 12, 2017, 12:30:26 AM »
I need a fact about LinkedIn. Can people tell when you’ve viewed their profile?

Sometimes. It used to always be the case, but then they came up with anonymous viewing and various paid modes so all you'd see was a note saying that someone viewed your profile--you were given a list of possible viewers. And nowadays, they only give you the names of a handful of the people who viewed your profile, because you aren't paying them.

They want to make money off their creation but know that if they remake everything into a paid service, they lose.
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Re: Random possibly useful fact
« Reply #935 on: December 12, 2017, 12:31:15 AM »
Oh fuck.

...Thanks though. My friend told me I should get a LinkedIn profile, so I did. Dunno how useful it would be.

I'd say it can be useful.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

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Re: Random possibly useful fact
« Reply #936 on: January 05, 2018, 05:23:47 PM »

Seems like NASA are actively testing proof-of-concept prototype warp-drives (of a variety called an Alcubierre drive, which warps a bubble of space-time around the craft and drive, and then expands space behind it to shoot the vehicle along. Sort of. In that the craft itself experiences no acceleration, it is space and time that are warped, and repositioned to pop the craft off wherever it wants to be. Rather than move the vehicle through space to the destination, it just moves space to position the vehicle at the destination.

That is gonna be SO fucking neat, potentially...if they can get it done on a man-piloted craft, or crewed at least. A week to the nearest star system? just think what that sort of 'speed' could do for solar system exploration. Bugger waiting for years and complicated slingshots around the gravity wells of large planets for unmanned robot probes. Fancy going hunting for alien life on say, triton, then just get in your craft and move the universe so it happens to have the two next together. Then go down there in suitable environment-suits and start drilling through the ice, with sterilized equipment and seeing if we can go facehugger-fishing:D
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Re: Random possibly useful fact
« Reply #937 on: January 05, 2018, 06:45:20 PM »
I need a fact about LinkedIn. Can people tell when you’ve viewed their profile?

Sometimes. It used to always be the case, but then they came up with anonymous viewing and various paid modes so all you'd see was a note saying that someone viewed your profile--you were given a list of possible viewers. And nowadays, they only give you the names of a handful of the people who viewed your profile, because you aren't paying them.

They want to make money off their creation but know that if they remake everything into a paid service, they lose.

After adopting various dating site techniques, they've launched a dating portion to boot. :G

Offline odeon

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Re: Random possibly useful fact
« Reply #938 on: January 06, 2018, 04:37:53 AM »
I need a fact about LinkedIn. Can people tell when you’ve viewed their profile?

Sometimes. It used to always be the case, but then they came up with anonymous viewing and various paid modes so all you'd see was a note saying that someone viewed your profile--you were given a list of possible viewers. And nowadays, they only give you the names of a handful of the people who viewed your profile, because you aren't paying them.

They want to make money off their creation but know that if they remake everything into a paid service, they lose.

After adopting various dating site techniques, they've launched a dating portion to boot. :G


"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

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Offline odeon

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Re: Random possibly useful fact
« Reply #939 on: January 06, 2018, 04:56:30 AM »

Seems like NASA are actively testing proof-of-concept prototype warp-drives (of a variety called an Alcubierre drive, which warps a bubble of space-time around the craft and drive, and then expands space behind it to shoot the vehicle along. Sort of. In that the craft itself experiences no acceleration, it is space and time that are warped, and repositioned to pop the craft off wherever it wants to be. Rather than move the vehicle through space to the destination, it just moves space to position the vehicle at the destination.

That is gonna be SO fucking neat, potentially...if they can get it done on a man-piloted craft, or crewed at least. A week to the nearest star system? just think what that sort of 'speed' could do for solar system exploration. Bugger waiting for years and complicated slingshots around the gravity wells of large planets for unmanned robot probes. Fancy going hunting for alien life on say, triton, then just get in your craft and move the universe so it happens to have the two next together. Then go down there in suitable environment-suits and start drilling through the ice, with sterilized equipment and seeing if we can go facehugger-fishing:D

IIRC, even if the basic theory checks out, the energy requirements are likely to be impossibly large. There's also the fact that according to the theory, there is no way for anyone inside the bubble to hit the breaks, so to speak, as there is no way to communicate with the space-time contraction ahead of the bubble.

Also, you should know that NASA routinely explores a number of more or less exotic ideas for space travel. The Alcubierre drive is just one of them. I seem to remember that there was talk about the Chinese looking into it, too, a few years ago.

It would be awesome if the Alcubierre drive turned out to be feasible. As a physicist, albeit one with very rusty skills, I doubt it but hope for the best.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

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Re: Random possibly useful fact
« Reply #940 on: January 06, 2018, 10:26:30 AM »
I need a fact about LinkedIn. Can people tell when you’ve viewed their profile?

Sometimes. It used to always be the case, but then they came up with anonymous viewing and various paid modes so all you'd see was a note saying that someone viewed your profile--you were given a list of possible viewers. And nowadays, they only give you the names of a handful of the people who viewed your profile, because you aren't paying them.

They want to make money off their creation but know that if they remake everything into a paid service, they lose.

After adopting various dating site techniques, they've launched a dating portion to boot. :G

How’s that gonna work if they don’t even let people message each other?

Offline Lestat

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Re: Random possibly useful fact
« Reply #941 on: January 30, 2018, 06:36:55 PM »
I just found it interesting that they are exploring it at proof of concept stage.

There could be another problem, possibly, in that the deceleration would result in a massive burst of very, very highly blueshifted energy, and it'd be a bit of a bugger if approaching say a space colony and oh...oops...sorry about that huge pulse of hard gamma radiation wiping half the planet clean of life. And of course the negative energy requirement.

But if they are actively exploring proof of concept in creating a warp bubble on a microscale, that implies that they might be getting somewhere. At least far enough to explore possibilities or hell, if they are building a prototype that would be something I'd HAVE to read about.

And here's another (unrelated) one-IMO star fruit shouldn't be eaten. And by anybody with kidney problems they MUST never, ever eat them, drink the juice or even eat a small piece, people with kidney issues especially are affected, although it has occurred in healthy people.

This is because star-fruit (and their relative in southeast asia, 'bilimbi', both in the genus Averrhoa) contain a one-two punch. First, they contain really quite high levels of oxalate, sufficient to hit the very lower end lethal dosage potential in just 300g or so of fruit, and oxalate/oxalic acid is toxic, also it precipitates out as tiny calcium oxalate raphides (raphides are tiny little crystalline needles, very tiny, but very sharp, and these get caught up in the filtration system of the kidneys and start slicing stuff up, a lot of kidney stones are oxalate stones, also these raphides form as the 'tophi' which accumulate in joints and cause the intense joint pain of gout).

The other, much nastier half of the damage they can inflict is a compound they contain, a ring-substituted derivative of the amino-acid phenylalanine, its called caramboxin, and it is really nasty shit. An orthosteric agonist of both AMPA and NMDA type ionotropic glutamate receptors, and powerful excitotoxin. Causes first, intractable hiccuping (the very mildest expression of star fruit toxicity is limited to this), and progresses to convulsive and neurodegenerative effects, the latter, if someone survives an excitotoxin are likely to be permanent, potentially leaving someone as vegetation.

If seizures happen in caramboxin toxicity due to star fruit, bilimbi, or their relatives, its a very, very bad sign. In most case studies, those without, survived with intensive care, but where seizure occurs the prognosis is dire indeed and usually fatal, potentially long and slow way to die, some victims taking over a month to die. The seizures being highly refractory to near enough anything doctors can throw at it, although a combination of aggressive barbiturate and propofol intravenous continual sedation/anticonvulsant therapy as an induced coma has, in combination with rapid response and dialysis, ideally also plasma exchange might save a victim of star fruit poisoning who has had a seizure, if it happens, it is usually fatal, and a single piece of a slice, or a small (300ml) glass of juice has proved enough to kill.

Its USUALLY a problem for kidney patients, diagnosed or otherwise, with impaired kidney function, but it IS known in otherwise healthy people, although they seem to clear the toxin renally with greater efficiency. But unfortunately there is that huge amount of oxalate present, something like 750mg/100g fresh star fruit, min. human lethal dose of oxalate being about 2g (oxalate is also, incidentally the reason ethylene glycol (antifreeze) is poisonous to people and animals, it is metabolized to oxalate and causes kidney failure)

So nephrotoxin, mixed with a neurotoxin particularly deadly to those with impaired kidney function, a rather nasty combination, no?

So, if any of you have or know people with, impaired kidney function, you just can't eat the things, it'll probably kill you, and if it doesn't it can do permanent neurological damage to learning and memory. Warn any friends or relatives with kidney issues to avoid eating/drinking star fruit and its relatives full stop, they are flat out NO for a kidney patient.

And, whilst AFAIK I don't have compromised kidneys myself, I no longer eat them. Its a pity, I used to really like them, one of my favourites in fact. But after reading up on some of the case reports, and the often fulminant progress of toxicity, I'll never eat them again.

So, if you are, or know any renal patients, let them know, carambola/star frut are off the menu. And also, given that children have less liver, kidney etc. capacity compared to adults, it would be very wise for them to be prohibited from eating star fruit/carambola and bilimbi fruit. Personally, adult and with afaik good enough kidney function, they are now off my menu too.

(although I AM getting rather tempted and casting my mind towards that 300g or so of sliced roast beef cold cuts in the fridge:D)
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

Offline Calandale

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Re: Random possibly useful fact
« Reply #942 on: January 30, 2018, 07:29:10 PM »
I need a fact about LinkedIn. Can people tell when you’ve viewed their profile?

Sometimes. It used to always be the case, but then they came up with anonymous viewing and various paid modes so all you'd see was a note saying that someone viewed your profile--you were given a list of possible viewers. And nowadays, they only give you the names of a handful of the people who viewed your profile, because you aren't paying them.

They want to make money off their creation but know that if they remake everything into a paid service, they lose.

After adopting various dating site techniques, they've launched a dating portion to boot. :G



Maybe I imagined it. :P

I can't find a trace now, but I had one of their messages that seemed to indicate that.
May have just been some spam made to look that way.

There is this:, which says "
BeLinked is not affiliated with, sponsored or endorsed by LinkedIn Corporation.

[/size]or something else like it.

Offline odeon

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Re: Random possibly useful fact
« Reply #943 on: January 31, 2018, 02:43:35 AM »
I need a fact about LinkedIn. Can people tell when you’ve viewed their profile?

Sometimes. It used to always be the case, but then they came up with anonymous viewing and various paid modes so all you'd see was a note saying that someone viewed your profile--you were given a list of possible viewers. And nowadays, they only give you the names of a handful of the people who viewed your profile, because you aren't paying them.

They want to make money off their creation but know that if they remake everything into a paid service, they lose.

After adopting various dating site techniques, they've launched a dating portion to boot. :G



Maybe I imagined it. :P

I can't find a trace now, but I had one of their messages that seemed to indicate that.
May have just been some spam made to look that way.

There is this:, which says "
BeLinked is not affiliated with, sponsored or endorsed by LinkedIn Corporation.

[/size]or something else like it.


While hilarious in so many ways, I doubt they would actually do it.
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

- Albert Einstein

Offline Calandale

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Re: Random possibly useful fact
« Reply #944 on: January 31, 2018, 10:59:58 AM »
I was convinced. Then again, I'm pretty gullible.