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Re: Random possibly useful fact
« Reply #915 on: June 12, 2017, 12:22:40 AM »
It helps in finding the right vinegar strategy for the right cat.  :M

And will save you from assuming that every spraying cat is male. Assuming genders is a tricky thing, nowadays.  :M :M
I can do upside down chocolate moo things!

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Re: Random possibly useful fact
« Reply #916 on: June 12, 2017, 02:01:43 AM »
The wise cow hath spoken.

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Re: Random possibly useful fact
« Reply #917 on: June 12, 2017, 08:51:47 AM »
I can do upside down chocolate moo things!

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Re: Random possibly useful fact
« Reply #918 on: July 27, 2017, 06:46:09 AM »
The word 'salary' comes from the Latin word 'salarium' and meant basically money given to soldiers (way back) in order for them to buy salt.

(everybody here knows that already butz.. )  :autism:
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Re: Random possibly useful fact
« Reply #919 on: July 27, 2017, 04:34:20 PM »
The word 'salary' comes from the Latin word 'salarium' and meant basically money given to soldiers (way back) in order for them to buy salt.

(everybody here knows that already butz.. )  :autism:
Didn't know that.

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Re: Random possibly useful fact
« Reply #920 on: July 27, 2017, 10:57:09 PM »
The word 'salary' comes from the Latin word 'salarium' and meant basically money given to soldiers (way back) in order for them to buy salt.

(everybody here knows that already butz.. )  :autism:
Didn't know that.
Me neither. Interesting.
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Re: Random possibly useful fact
« Reply #921 on: July 27, 2017, 11:53:39 PM »
It does ring a bell. I may have read it somewhere.
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Re: Random possibly useful fact
« Reply #922 on: July 29, 2017, 05:56:03 AM »
Raccoons hate the smell of ammonia

Cat pee contains ammonia, so using ammonia based products to clean your front porch can sometimes result in cat pee.

Yeah, this was a lesson learned.

  Also, don't bleach your toilet if there's pee in it, because bleach + ammonia = FUMES!  :zombiefuck:
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Re: Random possibly useful fact
« Reply #923 on: July 29, 2017, 05:57:44 AM »
Neighbor had a female that could spray better than the males. I didn't even think that was possible until I watched her do it one day.  :zombiefuck:

Little dainty thing could win a pissing contest hands down.

  My former landlady had a couple of neutered males who still occasionally sprayed.  :zombiefuck:
"I'm finding a lot of things funny lately, but I don't think they are."
--- Ripley, Alien Resurrection

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Re: Random possibly useful fact
« Reply #924 on: August 07, 2017, 02:19:01 PM »
Simple mnemonic device in understanding/seeing the difference between an ocean fish and a in salt water living mammal is to look at the caudal fin.. or tail fin.. of the swimming creature.

Fish (all of them) have vertical 'standing' tail fins. Ocean swimming mammals, like whales, orcas or dolphins, do not. No, their tails, the end of their body's fin, 'lay' horizontally. Quite a difference in swimming techniques between the 'two' also.

Fish > vertical.
Mammal > horizontal.
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Re: Random possibly useful fact
« Reply #925 on: October 24, 2017, 09:11:48 PM »
At least cats never wear drag, come over with a revolting limp-wrist, camp it up and wear drag, drink the ponciest cocktails they can find and smoke menthol lights of that weird long thin configuration.

How is that fish vs mammal thing a mnemonic? its just easy to remember without relying on a grammattical or verbal pattern. And cetaceans etc. are feck all like fish. Fish aren't nearly as tasty chopped up, pickled in salty brine and served in tin cans :P (I wouldn't, I really wouldn't. I eat meat, yes, but because of necessity, and I don't eat the highest animals most likely to be sentient either, such as cetaceans, great apes (unless you count one of my ex-girfriends, an NT, but she was more of a not-so-great ape, and one that my (younger of the two) former fiancees rescued me from. Or kidnapped me and stole me from depending on the viewpoint, whilst I don't APPLY the principle to others, in that case I class consent given considerably later after the fact as consent enough. In that particular individual instance only, and do bear in mind also that the person I am implying the ex-post-trachea-licko consent GIVEN by myself rather than 'taken from' another. So I'm free to do that applied to my own body and mind as much as I like. And despite the..rather violent introduction by any estimation of the circumstances, it was....a beneficial kidnapping-assault. And I'd have her do it again any and indeed every day had I the opportunity.   But the one she pretty much press-ganged me into service consent or otherwise (and I fully believe that the girl in question would, quite honestly if anything have treated any consent on my part as a handy afterthought for getting away with what she planned on doing without legal trouble. She'd have done it anyway probably and her answer to 'no' would just have been to throw me into the tree again, and as many times as it took for me to either change my answer or otherwise pass out unconscious. I prefer the going straight to 'yeah, I'm not going to report you, for what you did, actually will you marry me?' that way I get contact details and an engagement, with the hope of marriage for me and her both rather than just a sexual assault. She couldn't very well have done so a second time if we couldn't get hold of each other again after she'd done the deed if I'd been KO'ed by her using that tree any harder or more frequently. Being conscious had the advantage of being able to get her phone number and give her mine. Unless she had left a calling card on my concussed autie-tongue-choked self, and she could save me from the monster that was the girl I was basically only with anymore because I didn't want to rip up her feelings too badly ( I was a fair bit younger, about 19 at the time going 20 or so when I got caught by the younger ex fiancee) the former gf before her, she was just fucking....god I could not bear the sight of her even. I dreaded going to see her, it was an obligation then, never a pleasure for a moment until it came to 'right, bye' and my feeing 'thank fucking christ thats at an end'

Since then, never again with an NT has it been. And thats not because I have anything against them as people, we just aren't compatible as relationship partners, tolerance is about the most that mutually is likely to happen. And merely not disliking somebody doesn't in my book cut much ice when it comes to a firm foundation to build a relationship on.

A borderline tongue-based rape by a gorgeous LFA/kanner's girl who doesn't give two shits unless she's sat on the toilet bowl, on the other hand, now that is another matter. That was and doubtless will forever be, a very special girl,. with the cutest line in stimmy I've ever seen. She, she was true love from that very first pre-introduction 'you are fucking well claimed, now what is your name' choke. Oh my I can't keep thinking about it, too special a moment and too wonderful a woman. for her not to start sticking in the forefront of my brain every time I even think of her, let alone her no-holds-barred introduction, if introduction is the right word to use about what she did at all, until I prompted one out of her. (well I HAD to know who she was, somebody that fucking intoxicating, who just walked on over, shoving people out of the way, kicking one guy out fhe way unti waking up to and taking me, somebody so ...intoxicating, its the only word for what by former fiancee is.

Random, but probably not useful, to anybody other than somebody getting to know her for the first time. but in any case, her style is rather..forward, and leaves very litte indeed to need an explanation. She's a force of nature is cazzie, as un-alterable and implacable as the strong nuclear binding force, as hot as the temperatures needed to unify electromanetic and weak nuclear binding forces in atomic nuclei to a hypothesized primordial electroweak unified single force and with a pull thats as fast as gravitic interactions only orders of magnitude stronger, hell she makes the strong nuclear force look like a wet dishrag with a couple of kiddie's toy iron horseshoe magnets wrapped in it in comparison. Because fucking hell she has bound me to her, and she did it in a fraction of a second. Permanently. And that hold has never, ever weakened. Even after decades apart, missing her. Physicists are searching for a fifth fundamental natural force. Well I found it. Or rather the 'it', is a 'she' and the 'she', cazzy found me first. By the neck and the back of my head into a tree. :P

And fucking bugger me, I'd turn down a nobel prize for her back. I actually would melt it down for the gold to cast a wedding ring matched pair in if I could, and be her property once again, as I should be. As I was BORN to be.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

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Re: Random possibly useful fact
« Reply #926 on: October 24, 2017, 09:43:09 PM »
Can't think of a single useful fact right now. :laugh:
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Re: Random possibly useful fact
« Reply #927 on: October 24, 2017, 11:22:59 PM »
I can think of things I want to know, like how to properly reconstitute a cast iron pan, or the best ways to get calcium if you can't deal with horse pills and too much milk is setting off allergies, but as for something to share...

Uh let's see. Cumin is a good taco seasoning.
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Re: Random possibly useful fact
« Reply #928 on: October 25, 2017, 01:21:47 AM »
Chelated calcium, such as an amino-acid chelate, like calcium glycinate (the salt with the amino acid gycine) woud aid absorption.

Although quantities of calcium taken are usually fairy large doses in weight terms, and there is only so much space one can compact a substance into. Also calcium lactate ought to be quite bioavailable, I should think. This is the salt of calcium with lactate, as the counterion, that formally derived from lactic acid, not to be confounded with the lactose responsible for dairy intolerances in those lacking lactase enzyme activity.  Ca gluconate is also well-absorbed. Specifically known to be, and water soluble too, they use it in topical gel paired with injections into the exposed tissue as well as via other routes heavily dosed specifically because of solubility in cases of exposure to the deadly poison, hydrofluoric acid (HF) or hydrogen fluoride in gaseous form. HF is poorly ionized unlike most acids having a low dissociation constant, due to the strong bond between hydrogen and fluorine (fluorine as an element is the most electronegative on the periodic table and forms the strongest of all bonds to other elements) and as such its still largely bonded in solution rather than dissociating into H+ ions and F- and hydronium cations etc. in aqueous solution (as hydrofluoric acid) and being uncharged, unionized it easily slips right through intact unbroken skin to undergo systemic absorption.

Additionally it has a large affinity for the element calcium, driven by virtue of forming insoluble cacium fluoride, CaF2, which precipitates, driving the reaction towards the right from equilibrium and thus, towards effective completion, chelating the calcium from the blood plasma and tissues and turning it into insolube CaF2 deposits, and depriving the heart of Ca++, causing a heart attack, usually, being highly poisonous stuff by any route of exposure as HF. And additionally leaching the calcium from one's bone, and turning soft tissues into a nasty, greyish-looking sloppy semi-liquiefied necrotic mass

So it wouldn't surprise me if an oral calcium gluconate prep were availabe in liquid form owing to the intense rapidity with which any swallowed HF would have to be treated (can you fucking believe that this stuff, albeit only 3%, is sold as a rust remover, and hubcap polisher in the US?

And then they come out with crap like 'people deserve to be locked up for growing their own weed/opium/peyote cacti/coca plants/''magic mushrooms'' for their own consenting use,' and restrict pseudoephedrine to the extent there are fucking 'laws' on it and what people are 'allowed' to have and of that what they are 'allowed' to do with it. On the pretext of preventing them from harming themselves. Whilst plying them with and making a fucking ton of money off tobacco and alcoholic spirits.

(Its just 3% HF, but even that is fucking virulent enough and could easily be concentrated by distillation. Oh, and it eats glass, the more concentrated the faster it does it and the more it would aerosolize it, if it were very concentrated (such as 40%,, that would only need a small splash on somebody to kill them, through the aforementioned fatal cardiac arrhythmia and in a really nasty set of ways if that didn't get them. Liquefied alive from the inside out whist the calcium is leached out of the blood, precipitated as insoluble calcium fluoride and sucked out of their dissolving bones and flesh. Nasty for boiled and distilled anything you could use just to cause alloy wheels to be shinier, or remove rust from things. (its called 'whink', btw) Got to take the prize for the nastiest thing in a household product since hundreds of years ago when people were dumping thallium salts out into the environment as rat poisons.
Beyond the pale. Way, way beyond the pale.

Requiescat in pacem, Wolfish, beloved of Pyraxis.

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Re: Random possibly useful fact
« Reply #929 on: December 11, 2017, 07:52:22 PM »
I need a fact about LinkedIn. Can people tell when you’ve viewed their profile?