
Author Topic: Hubert/hube... We need to talk...  (Read 2682 times)

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Hubert/hube... We need to talk...
« on: June 12, 2012, 02:58:58 AM »

Do you really need  to be consistently obnoxious?


That is all im asking.

Please answer




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Re: Hubert/hube... We need to talk...
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2012, 04:23:19 AM »
This is on par to when Zippo called you out. ::)

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Re: Hubert/hube... We need to talk...
« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2012, 05:23:50 AM »
Umm, this isnt the peanut gallery schleed...

Back to the actual callout.
I'll elaborate on the 'obnoxiousness' that im talking about
I dont know if its meant to be some fight club esque noob initiation thing that you like to do, but just consistent assholery seems to be a thing you like to do a lot
Basically, ive been the new person for like a week, ive post about hundred posts, not that much all round but quite alot four the small amount of time that I have been here. Im practically old news.
And honestly, im not going to put up with you being a dick until somebody else joins in. 18 months,
Its getting a little old and boring...I admit that at first, your insults were very amusing, I laughed quite a bit actually, you do have some game
But you saying that I was part of bruce CMs croud just because some member gave me karma? Scraping from the bottom of the barrel much??

Honestly, I expect better from you. linking me to that pervert, what are you? A gossipy housewife that doesn't get enough action?

Its late here so thats all I can really think of, but basically all im saying is that this

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Re: Hubert/hube... We need to talk...
« Reply #3 on: June 12, 2012, 05:26:01 AM »
(fuck you phone ...grrrrrrrr)
To end that sentence, basically you are boring me and you aren't sharp anymore


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Re: Hubert/hube... We need to talk...
« Reply #4 on: June 12, 2012, 05:59:52 AM »
Umm, this isnt the peanut gallery schleed...

I'm aware of that. I just feel like being a cunt.

Personally I think the most obnoxious person on i2 at the moment isn't Jewbert or any of the old farts (which have irked me quite a few times myself). In my opinion it's actually you. Why do I think that? Your posts are often tiring and make my eyes roll, for example how you harbour this bratty "holier than thou" attitude in the majority of them. The posts you made in the Lady Gaga thread is a small example of this kinda attitude, as you're all "teehee people are discussing it!" in a playful yet snide manner.

I get it, you're young and hip and you look androgynous. Perhaps try another approach that isn't so fucking predictable.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2012, 06:07:28 AM by schleed »

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Re: Hubert/hube... We need to talk...
« Reply #5 on: June 12, 2012, 06:07:52 AM »
Anyway, I just want to see what you've got, hube, based purely, on wit .

That is all

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Re: Hubert/hube... We need to talk...
« Reply #6 on: June 12, 2012, 06:39:09 AM »
Shleed, if I honestly annoy you that much, call me out.


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Re: Hubert/hube... We need to talk...
« Reply #7 on: June 12, 2012, 07:45:41 AM »
This isn't a callout, it is a question.  I know that you purport to be new, but even a cursory review of the site would clearly show you what call outs are for, and what an ask away thread is for.  To answer your question, yes.  See how that isn't a call out?  A call out cannot be adequately answered in a single word.  When you have something worthy of the forum let me know and I will be happy to engage you in this way.  Continue acting like a clownish noob (as you did once again with this call out) and I will continue to be "obnoxious".


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Re: Hubert/hube... We need to talk...
« Reply #8 on: June 12, 2012, 07:52:07 AM »
Shleed, if I honestly annoy you that much, call me out.

I'm not that kind of person. If I've a problem with someone, I'll bring it up regardless what thread it is. I've never been a fan of i2's ego-driven "callouts". To make a separate thread is pointless because I already said what I had to say on here; I would be repeating myself otherwise.

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Re: Hubert/hube... We need to talk...
« Reply #9 on: June 12, 2012, 08:17:54 AM »
This isn't a callout, it is a question.  I know that you purport to be new, but even a cursory review of the site would clearly show you what call outs are for, and what an ask away thread is for.  To answer your question, yes.  See how that isn't a call out?  A call out cannot be adequately answered in a single word.  When you have something worthy of the forum let me know and I will be happy to engage you in this way.  Continue acting like a clownish noob (as you did once again with this call out) and I will continue to be "obnoxious".

Did you see the seccond post I made? Most of my actual calling out reasons was in there.

in particular im annoyed by the fact you said that I was part of bruce Cm s posse  because pig gave me karma.
Lol, I didn't even know that bruce even had a group ....
That and I want to see how witty you can be, cause you aren't as funny as you were before.

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Re: Hubert/hube... We need to talk...
« Reply #10 on: June 12, 2012, 08:29:33 AM »
Shleed, if I honestly annoy you that much, call me out.

I'm not that kind of person. If I've a problem with someone, I'll bring it up regardless what thread it is. I've never been a fan of i2's ego-driven "callouts". To make a separate thread is pointless because I already said what I had to say on here; I would be repeating myself otherwise.

I wouldn't call them entirely ego driven...
Im generally argumentative, so perhaps I see it a in a different light...
If you are argumentative, its a bit of fun, if you dont like arguing its shit
Admittedly, my arguing skills are in need of some polishing, give me a month and ill be shiny

But honestly , if your that annoyed, pm me or whatever. Im pretty blunt , I can come across as anna fucking wintor, im actually surprised at the reactions, I had pictured in my head that i2 ppl were more, I dunno, able to just brush things off . Sorry if that statement sounded egostical or otherwise offensive , just blunt honesty


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Re: Hubert/hube... We need to talk...
« Reply #11 on: June 12, 2012, 08:46:08 AM »
This isn't a callout, it is a question.  I know that you purport to be new, but even a cursory review of the site would clearly show you what call outs are for, and what an ask away thread is for.  To answer your question, yes.  See how that isn't a call out?  A call out cannot be adequately answered in a single word.  When you have something worthy of the forum let me know and I will be happy to engage you in this way.  Continue acting like a clownish noob (as you did once again with this call out) and I will continue to be "obnoxious".

Did you see the seccond post I made? Most of my actual calling out reasons was in there.

in particular im annoyed by the fact you said that I was part of bruce Cm s posse  because pig gave me karma.
Lol, I didn't even know that bruce even had a group ....
That and I want to see how witty you can be, cause you aren't as funny as you were before.

So ..... you want me to answer as to why I annoy you?  Isn't it obvious?  I do it for the reaction.  This thread is part of that.  Not giving you the reaction you are hoping for is further getting a reaction from you, and as such I will continue.  Do you see how this works yet?  :zoinks:
« Last Edit: June 12, 2012, 09:17:58 AM by Hubert »


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Re: Hubert/hube... We need to talk...
« Reply #12 on: June 12, 2012, 09:26:51 AM »
Ugh, I'm bored waiting for a meeting to start so will give you a bit of what you are after, the site could use something to read this morning.

I dont know if its meant to be some fight club esque noob initiation thing that you like to do, but just consistent assholery seems to be a thing you like to do a lot

Yup.  If you look across the forum you will see that I consistently act this way to a consistent subset of members here.  What do you suppose you have in common with them?  The last newb to receive this treatment was Bruce.

Basically, ive been the new person for like a week, ive post about hundred posts, not that much all round but quite alot four the small amount of time that I have been here. Im practically old news.

Most of the membership has been around for years.  I have only been here 16 months and as such am still a noob.  Don't think that after a week you are now an old hand at this site and can presume to speak for it as you do in my sig line.

And honestly, im not going to put up with you being a dick until somebody else joins in. 18 months,

Oh yeah?  What are you going to do?

Its getting a little old and boring...I admit that at first, your insults were very amusing, I laughed quite a bit actually, you do have some game
But you saying that I was part of bruce CMs croud just because some member gave me karma? Scraping from the bottom of the barrel much??

Honestly, I expect better from you. linking me to that pervert, what are you? A gossipy housewife that doesn't get enough action?

You are lying.  You haven't been riding along enjoying your treatment and laughing along at yourself and then only called me out when it got "boring".  Do you really expect anyone to believe that?  Doesn't it sound ridiculous?  People react when you hit a nerve.  You have reacted several times, but bringing the attention of the entire board to your latest injury only reinforces the severity of that injury.  I can understand though, I wouldn't want to be put in the same category as Bruce.  In fact, if I was a noob to a forum I would do my best not to act like him at all.  You might want to try that tactic instead of telegraphing every sensitivity you have to people like me.

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Re: Hubert/hube... We need to talk...
« Reply #13 on: June 12, 2012, 07:53:13 PM »
I like watching peoples reactions too, I post something so mundane and you react. I find that hillarious.

And then youre all what does this matter ...? If you really don't care don't post..

I find it funny, the culture here seems, if anything less serious than other aspie sites but many people here seem to take every tiny mundane thing seriously

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Re: Hubert/hube... We need to talk...
« Reply #14 on: June 12, 2012, 08:14:05 PM »
A certain subset of members = aff 'fag'
Because you were/are a wp mod fag...


I barely go on aff any more, I think that gareth and amy nelson are nuts and are completely screwing up any kind of advocacy. I also think that aff is a tad too paranoid (ok, more than a tad)
And I don't think there is enough dialogue or debate in aff  hence I joined i2 out of fustration

Im also a member of wp, wrong planet is pretty depressing too ...