Explain the infestation thread then
Explain the infestation thread? You really are far too sensitive for this place. We had 3 or 4 people come over from AFF at the same time who were whiny little bitches, much like yourself, so I put that thread up to disgruntle them and make them all weepy and angry. Frankly, I am loving the fact that it is still having the same effect on noobs several months later.

The AFFags who read that and get all butthurt and offended are the people I wish to make butthurt and offended. The ones who don't are the ones I get along with. According to Hyke's new poll there are 9 or 10 other members here who still consider themselves AFFags, and do you see them calling me out over the offense I have given their precious little haven? No, these people are men and women of high caliber and worthwhile dispositions, not crying children who should have stayed at AFF where nobody will ever hurt their feelings and make them cry to their mommies.