All I wanted to do was see how and idea like this would go down. That is all
I wasn't implying anything,
Are people allowed to test thing s out here without being personally attacked??
you go and shoot things , I think you need and outlet for your almost teenage like anger
Sorry I worded things wrong, perhaps I should have been more clear
Or on the otherhand you should be able to read between the lines and notice that I was only pushing that opinion to fuel debate (a common journalism method called devils advocate , that I am sure you are aware of)
When I post ideas like that I dont nessasarily fully agree, its and opinion I want to see evaluated by a group of people with different views
You, cassanova frankenstein , took this way too seriously, only showing me that you can not evaluate a situation and that you are too emotionally charged to to assess a situation and act.
A problem with too many, im afraid
I took it too seriously? You are the one who decided this disagreement warranted a callout.
Teenage like anger huh?
You are a geriatric shitface who goes against everything I work for
The type of dickheaded douchebitch who whines all day but doesn't fucking stand up for anyone or thing
You sit in your hole and bring people down just cause they aren't cynical fuckwits like yesyou, because you cant stand younguns with their daft ideas
At least they are thinking about stuff, unlike you
Youre online reply, bitch
I was getting too emotionally charged?

Is dickhead douchebitch the sort of thing you spew when you are in a non emotionally charged state of mind?
Going from "geriatric shitface who goes against everything I work for" to "When I post ideas like that I dont nessasarily fully agree, its and opinion I want to see evaluated by a group of people with different views" looks an awful lot like back pedaling.
When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.