
Author Topic: Bring it on cassanova frankenstein  (Read 1923 times)

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Bring it on cassanova frankenstein
« on: June 06, 2012, 10:37:17 PM »
 What do yah know? Idiot


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Re: Bring it on cassanova frankenstein
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2012, 10:40:38 PM »
I know enough to get specific in a callout dumbshit.

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Re: Bring it on cassanova frankenstein
« Reply #2 on: June 06, 2012, 11:35:02 PM »
If you are that specific you wouldn't call me dipshit


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Re: Bring it on cassanova frankenstein
« Reply #3 on: June 06, 2012, 11:51:31 PM »
I disagree. That is a good description. What are you calling me out for?

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Re: Bring it on cassanova frankenstein
« Reply #4 on: June 07, 2012, 12:04:59 AM »
For being a grumpy jaded fuckwit


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Re: Bring it on cassanova frankenstein
« Reply #5 on: June 07, 2012, 12:08:46 AM »
 :lol1: That's all you have? I know you are but what am I? Some leader you are.  :LOL:

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Re: Bring it on cassanova frankenstein
« Reply #6 on: June 07, 2012, 12:41:28 AM »
Aren't you a little old for this cassanova?

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Re: Bring it on cassanova frankenstein
« Reply #7 on: June 07, 2012, 12:58:13 AM »
You are a geriatric shitface  who goes against everything I work for
The type of dickheaded douchebitch who whines all day but doesn't fucking stand up for anyone or thing
You sit in your hole and bring people down just cause they aren't cynical fuckwits like yesyou, because you cant stand younguns with their daft ideas
At least they are thinking about stuff, unlike you

Youre online reply, bitch

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Re: Bring it on cassanova frankenstein
« Reply #8 on: June 07, 2012, 04:15:12 AM »
 honestly, who do you think you are with your whole harden the fuck up bullshit , like am I supposed to be intimidated?
You are such an obnoxious twat, are you?
Get over yourself cunt


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Re: Bring it on cassanova frankenstein
« Reply #9 on: June 07, 2012, 08:28:07 AM »
honestly, who do you think you are with your whole harden the fuck up bullshit , like am I supposed to be intimidated?
You are such an obnoxious twat, are you?
Get over yourself cunt
You are a geriatric shitface  who goes against everything I work for
The type of dickheaded douchebitch who whines all day but doesn't fucking stand up for anyone or thing
You sit in your hole and bring people down just cause they aren't cynical fuckwits like yesyou, because you cant stand younguns with their daft ideas
At least they are thinking about stuff, unlike you

Youre online reply, bitch
Rather than name call why don't you explain where you get off defining "what we don't want" when you have made no effort to find out who wants what or what they don't want? You could have presented an idea after discussing and actually asking questions instead of assuming what the consensus was if, in fact, there was a consensus.

From the direction your thread has gone I don't see a consensus in favor of making private info, as in autism spectrum dx, public. You castigating people for choosing to keep their dx private is bullshit. It is their information not yours. It is their call not yours. 

As far as society thinking that we want to pass for nt that is bullshit. Most of society isn't even aware of the autism spectrum except as some psychiatric term they may have heard.

If you want aspies to be strong and proud encourage them to get the skills that will allow them to accomplish things they can be proud of rather than being vicariously proud of some else's accomplishments. The dx'ing of dead people is done to take vicarious credit for the accomplishments of others.

You are staying away from the points you brought up in your Butterfly theory thread because you can't make your case. Why don't you defend your pie in the sky idiocy instead of just name calling. Sure throw insults in your post but tell me where I am wrong in stating that my dx info will remain private.

As for one person making a difference, as I stated before, you be that person. Put your money where your mouth is. Show us that one person can make a difference instead of whining because many of us here at this site have elected to keep our private business private. 

So defend the cause that you got butthurt over if you can.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2012, 02:01:20 PM by Cassanova Frankenstein »

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Re: Bring it on cassanova frankenstein
« Reply #10 on: June 07, 2012, 05:04:39 PM »
Butterfly theory is, a hypothetical idea and I wanted to opinions and limitations of it. and I got that.
I was more than ready to discard it, it was afterall and idea that I wanted to seen the reaction to

But you, cassanova frankenstein took it personally and started to put the blame on me, it was a fucking experiment, are you fucking blind

I2 is all about debating ideas, something like a hypothetical idea that isn't nessasarily right being nutted out for pros and cons shouldn't be that alien to you.

Some people got the idea and started to properly consider complications and benefits, you on the other hand used it to beat up the new guy

Oh and your whole dismiss dead ppl who supposedly had as thing is besides the point

Thats whats wrong with you


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Re: Bring it on cassanova frankenstein
« Reply #11 on: June 07, 2012, 06:05:37 PM »
Butterfly theory is, a hypothetical idea and I wanted to opinions and limitations of it. and I got that.
I was more than ready to discard it, it was afterall and idea that I wanted to seen the reaction to

But you, cassanova frankenstein took it personally and started to put the blame on me, it was a fucking experiment, are you fucking blind
Put the blame on you? You got credit for that thread as soon as you posted it. Who else should have been credited with that thread other than the person who posted it?

Who the hell are you to tell others what they do or don't want? You did not even have the courtesy to ask people to express what they do or don't want before spewing "thats not what we want at all". 
And demanding that people lay their dx out for the world to see. Fuck that. Medical information is treated as confidential for a reason. Don't you think Arthur Ashe could have announced to the world himself that he was dying of AIDS if he wanted too? His right to privacy was violated by the media and made his last bit of life worse than it had to be as a result. Workplaces and social gatherings are hen parties.
I2 is all about debating ideas, something like a hypothetical idea that isn't nessasarily right being nutted out for pros and cons shouldn't be that alien to you.
It can be. That is why I let you know that I considered it to bullshit when you presumed to speak for a collective us. And why I told you that my dx will remain private.
Some people got the idea and started to properly consider complications and benefits, you on the other hand used it to beat up the new guy
You presumed to define what "we don't want" without even a pretense of actually asking what people do or don't want. Furthermore you made the claim that I was not presenting an alternative. In fact I had mentioned an alternative when I posted my objection to some aspies dx'ing deceased people and trying to lay vicarious claim to their accomplishments.     
Oh and your whole dismiss dead ppl who supposedly had as thing is besides the point
No it is not. Aspie supremacists who try to lay claim to all great advances are insulting all non aspies who just might have had a worthwhile thought about how to make something better or add to scientific knowledge. If you don't see that as a potential public relations problem than you are clearly not thinking. One thing that prevents that arrogance from creating ill will is that aspies are not a noticeable blip on most people's radar.

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Re: Bring it on cassanova frankenstein
« Reply #12 on: June 07, 2012, 06:35:38 PM »
I am note telling you what you want
I want to find out what you want
You made what could be a civil debate a fucking witch trial


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Re: Bring it on cassanova frankenstein
« Reply #13 on: June 07, 2012, 07:12:09 PM »
I am note telling you what you want
when thats not what we want at all.
You were certainly saying what we don't want.
I want to find out what you want
I told you that I want to continue target shooting and travel to Benelux. You apparently don't attach any value to those aspirations. I do.
You made what could be a civil debate a fucking witch trial
By pointing out that you have no standing to speak for what we don't want? By pointing out that a person's dx is their info to share or keep private?

Witch trial. Were you in danger of hanging like Martha Pennoyer Corey? That seems a bit melodramatic.

I actually have tried giving what I consider useful advice on workplace dos and don'ts to young aspies at the M.I.N.D. Institute in Sacramento CA during the monthly meetings. Whether they choose to use that advice is up to them. 

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Re: Bring it on cassanova frankenstein
« Reply #14 on: June 07, 2012, 08:48:05 PM »
All I wanted to do was see how and idea like this would go down. That is all
I wasn't implying anything,
Are people allowed to test thing s out here without being personally attacked??
you go and shoot things , I think you need and outlet for your almost teenage like anger
Sorry I worded things wrong, perhaps I should have been more clear
Or on the otherhand you should be able to read between the lines and notice that I was only pushing that opinion to fuel debate (a common journalism method called devils advocate , that I am sure you are aware of)
When I post ideas like that I dont nessasarily fully agree, its and opinion I want to see evaluated by a group of people with different views
You, cassanova frankenstein , took this way too seriously, only showing me that you can not evaluate a situation and that you are too emotionally charged to to assess a situation and act.
A problem with too many, im afraid