
Author Topic: I found my A2 paper sheets (40x60 cm)  (Read 196 times)

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Offline ZEGH8578

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I found my A2 paper sheets (40x60 cm)
« on: July 02, 2012, 03:25:52 PM »
I finally decide on drawing a Eustreptospondylus, a european Megalosaurid.
I chose it for its apparent unremarkableness.
We're talking bout a horse sized (well, twice as long because it has a tail, but about that bozy size) meat eater, probably the biggest in the region - which was mid-late jurassic europe: Broken up archipelagos, dominated by tropical forests, and long mangrove beaches.

My dinosaur isnt running or roaring, but simply walking, with its mouth shut, and dino-lips covering its teeth up. Boring, but realistic - just the way i like it. Its not particularily big or particularily particular in any way. I guess its only somewhat unusual feature is a somewhat elongated head compared to many other theropods - a feature i personally suspect was for digging its head deep into rotting sauropod carcasses it may have come across.

I was very unsure how to proceed with the skin, since skin-impressions are near-unknown in pre-coelurosaurian Theropods. But i managed to confirm that at least one species more primitive, and one species more advanced, both had scaly skin.
If both its predecessors and descendants (altho none are direct, but approximate) were scaled, i feel comfy making this one scaled to:
so, i get to work.

All of yesterday i spend gently, subtly, giving the entire body a scaly effect.

Today i read of a wonderful new discovery in germany: A european Megalosaurid hatchling complete with fur-like feathers, covering its body.

hopefully this is a baby-feature, kinda like that fuzz on penguins that they shed as they grow up :(
Nature is trollin me :(
« Last Edit: July 02, 2012, 03:27:45 PM by ZEGH8578 »

Offline ZEGH8578

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Re: I found my A2 paper sheets (40x60 cm)
« Reply #1 on: July 03, 2012, 11:45:17 PM »
the result

untill i find a big enough scanner

Eustreptospondylus oxoniensis, location Britain, mid-jurassic ca. 160-165 million years ago. At the time this is a large island, like today, but much warmer, overlooking an ocean ahead, full of small tropical archipelagos. It is stalking a seasonally dried out river delta, with hardy mangroves in the background, and forests further back. Several types of pterosaurs, some lonely, others in huge flocks reside in the forest and around the beach.