I am driving a 3L turbo diesel Mercedes Elegance at the moment (my brother's car) and so it is going to be rather a different driving experience for me.
The reason i am having this car - My son's Dad has decided after five years i am a pretty good mistress/whore and i finally deserve a new car (yes- it finally paid off)
Now, the urchin loves cars, and also loves driving around with the windows down (its a sensory thing i guess) so his dad wanted me to have a cabriolet.
My budget was 15k which got stretched to 17k and there are very few new cabs within that price range. A fiat 500, a smart, and the mini. I don't like those smart cars, too small and doesn't fiat stand for Fix It Again Tomorrow?

so it really only left the mini.
The main point behind it is the mini cab is a fun car! It's all about 'the urchin' and my whole evolves around him (as it should) AND HE LOVES IT!!
I dunno why i am explaining this - but that is the reason.