Eh, you poor thing, that is a long time to be in hospital as a kid.

I never minded hospital much because when I went I needed it. Plus the routine was easy for me to take. Makes it better that I like hospital food as well. Gained weight on my last stay in there. All I did was eat and sleep heh. They didn't actually help me last time but they gave me lots of Seroquel which got me to sleep.
When I got out I had to do intensive therapy at a place which was generally bad for an autistic. Felt unorganised as I wasn't told beforehand what would happen so I was stressed by it. Art therapy was horrible as I don't have much of an imagination and go better when I am given ideas about what to draw/paint, etc. They were critical of that because no one else had trouble with it. Then as soon as I finished a number of weeks' therapy I had to go back to uni. Further stress. I end up doing badly that semester.
Um sorry for taking over your thread. Not often I get into writing mode!