
Author Topic: you know what I think?  (Read 913 times)

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Re: you know what I think?
« Reply #30 on: April 18, 2012, 03:26:06 PM »
Bullshit, Richard. There's just so many things wrong with your posts that I don't know where to start, but here are a few key facts, just for fun.

The World Council was dismantled while Dunc was the web monkey, because a majority of the members then were sick and tired of Cal's constant whining. Cal killed the WC, not Dunc, me or some other admin.

Dunc added "Despot" to his custom title, hence my "Replacement despot".

IIRC, bans were never voted on but they do not happen on a whim or because I or some other admin dislikes the person in question. They happen because some cunt repeatedly engages in behaviour that endangers the site. Do you think I'm lying about Bruce, BC or some other banned member? If so, back it up or shut up.

As a matter of fact, if you want to keep on posting bullshit about me, have the courtesy to back it up.

I think that maybe Richard had a little too much to drink last night.

Shame he spent all his food money on beer and shiny rocks.  :M

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Re: you know what I think?
« Reply #31 on: April 18, 2012, 03:27:32 PM »
Bullshit, Richard. There's just so many things wrong with your posts that I don't know where to start, but here are a few key facts, just for fun.

The World Council was dismantled while Dunc was the web monkey, because a majority of the members then were sick and tired of Cal's constant whining. Cal killed the WC, not Dunc, me or some other admin.

Dunc added "Despot" to his custom title, hence my "Replacement despot".

IIRC, bans were never voted on but they do not happen on a whim or because I or some other admin dislikes the person in question. They happen because some cunt repeatedly engages in behaviour that endangers the site. Do you think I'm lying about Bruce, BC or some other banned member? If so, back it up or shut up.

As a matter of fact, if you want to keep on posting bullshit about me, have the courtesy to back it up.

I think that maybe Richard had a little too much to drink last night.

Shame he spent all his food money on beer and shiny rocks.  :M

Not to mention the Andrew Fuck football cards.

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Re: you know what I think?
« Reply #32 on: April 18, 2012, 03:53:17 PM »
Bullshit, Richard.
My apologies. I didnt mean to bitch at you for no reason
I think cal did have a point though. the guy reminds me of ME when I was his age. :blonde:

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Re: you know what I think?
« Reply #33 on: April 19, 2012, 02:13:25 PM »
Apology accepted.
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