Author Topic: Bod's brave callout  (Read 1699 times)

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Offline bodie

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Bod's brave callout
« on: May 23, 2012, 05:18:28 AM »

Yes, innocent looking isn't he!  but a few minutes before that photo
he was caught doing this

Blatantly booting hell out of an ickle cute wabbit.  He is  EVIL.

My reasons for calling you out Dipsy 
(or 'Tipsy' as tinky winky prefers to call him) :zoinks: :zoinks:

i.   You just pop up in the 'who's online' trying to blend in sending messages, or looking at the 'what is intensity topic'.   Acting all innocent.  You never post and you didn't reply to any of my messages!  You are cluttering up the place :zoinks:

ii.  You make out like you are a harmless, androgynous, children's entertainer!
ha we know otherwise
Harmless, huh, my arse! 
Look at your big, hairy gonads!  :o :o :o

iii.  It is too hot today, and i can't play out in the garden.  Gave me time to investigate you!  :police: :police: :police:

iv.  I put it to you Dipsy that you have led the other three astray!  Evidence of picture below (we will call it EXIBIT A) clearly shows you demonstrating how to snort some white powder

see, look how excited they are? 

v.  I also put it to you, that you are not 'Dipsy' at all are you?  you are an imposter!  Well, i have followed your trail, and have exhumed a body...the real Dipsy

found under your patio! 
(shame on you for pretending 'home improvements' was your new hobby and getting a huge discount when you chatted up the sales girl at the builder's merchants) tut tut tut :police:

vi.  It didn't take much investigating to discover this,  hidden on the interwebz


Looks like your time is up pal!

* whispers quietly to Dipsy *
we can stop all this nonsense now!  Just send me tinky winky's red handbag and i will remove this post and claim the others are completely batshit!

vii.  It took all my powers of detection to discover you are a sockpuppet, and i will go further and state you are belonging to one of the following:  odeon,  Callaway,  Parts or the innocent looking Ren.   One or all of the above 'admin' just had to be an accomplice!  Well the truth is out there...and you need to 'come clean' Dipsy!  Or else!   

viii.   *addresses the audience*
Ladies and Gentlemen of I2,  i ask you all now to focus on..

this is by far the most disturbing piece of evidence so far  -  does it seem
familiar?  :cbc:
I tell you folks,  this is an 'inside job'  and the imposter has one of us aiding and abetting him! 

TAKE NOTICE DIPSY (and quit sending me those rocking horse heads!  Mafiosa - you are doing it all wrong! 8) )


blah blah blah

Offline bodie

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Re: Bod's brave callout
« Reply #1 on: May 23, 2012, 05:56:31 PM »
Ok,  the missing piece to the jigsaw

odeon Dipsy has not responded -  therefore I win!

Bod won a callout  :viking: :viking: :viking: :viking:
blah blah blah

Offline Jesse

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Re: Bod's brave callout
« Reply #2 on: May 23, 2012, 07:24:55 PM »
Yes, I can tell you have aspergers. the force is strong within you.  :zoinks: