And you don't have to listen to a damn thing I say.
No I do not. But when your position is that bodie and Callaway have an obligation to stand down and leave Meadow Troglodyte, or someone else, to throw feces unopposed you can expect me to tell you why I believe such a position is bullshit.
I don't want to run my own board and I don't want to be someone coming down from on high and determining that one person or one side should stop responding. I have an opinion but I can't enforce it and I have no problem with that.
Bringing Meadow's "humanity" into play in this thread while ignoring the "humanity" of those on the receiving end of Meadow's vitriol is just you once again applying differing standards to Meadow versus anyone arguing with her. Would you care to make a case for which posters here are not "human"?
I do have respect for Odeon being "the man" and making calls sometimes, or I wouldn't still be here. I'm out to balance that. Different roles in the group, and so what? Is your point that you believe one is inherently better than the other?
I have not ever picked someone to side with based on achieving a balance. That seems like an inherently flawed method to me.
Let's see
side A has 5x members and side B has 2x members, ergo I should support side B without regard to what positions they are promulgating because they are the underdogs*. When I do choose to jump on one side or the other it is most often due to actually agreeing with a position. Of course some of our pissing contests here are more visceral and less about issues. Meadow's charming style has made her own predicament primarily visceral from my perspective. It sure as hell did not start out that way.
*This is exactly what I see you doing in advocating for Meadow. As I stated before you would have done a crap job in negotiating an armistice.