Swanson was released from the Mental Hospital... his condition is stable, as long as he cooperates with his doctor's orders to not go near any ponds from now on.
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http://www.wrangplonet.net/Somebody here touched a nerve.
damn i cant click on it (my phone, nothin wrong with the link). what is it about?
Welcome to WrangPlonet's guide to Internet annoyances, these are things that make the Internet not as nice as it could beTrollsTrolls are some of the nastier people that lurk on the Internet, some are also /b/tards (which will be dealt with in a seperate heading), their intent is to cause as much havoc and emotional responses as possible in Internet forums, IRC channels, blogs, on Twitter, in YouTube comments, and pretty much anywhere else a user of the internet can post some kind of textual or even graphical responseTrolls can also cause other problems for legitamate users, their acts can cause, at worst, whole IP ranges to be banned from servers making life harder for legitamate users of services. Given how trolls are though, they soon get bored and look for other targets in most cases, they are generally unintelligent people and get a kick from people's emotional responses, if they don't get it, they look for another target. In some countries trolling is actually considered a criminal offence and as such people can go, and have gone, to prison for itSo, the WrangPlonet take on trolling is this--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Derpy HoovesDerpy Hooves was originally intended as a background character in the children's television show "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic", however, members of the notorious troll website 4chan (more about that in a moment) actually watched this show, which is aimed at young girls, and spotted a cross-eyed pegasus character in the background which came to be known as Derpy Hooves, and has since been scripted into the show, which now has a devoted following by people who call themselves "bronies" and "pegasisters". Due to the 4chan connection, the show as well as Derpy Hooves are somewhat of an annoyance on the internet as now in many chatrooms and forums you will more than likely come across someone who will not shut up about Derpy Hooves and the show. There was recently some contraversy surrounding Derpy Hooves as allegedly many people wanted her (Derpy Hooves is a female character by all accounts) removing from the show due to her name being offensive and the character being offensive to those with disabilities, the show's creators don't appear to have removed the character though.The "Brony" culture has established March 1st as "Derpy Day", why they even created this is not known, the celebrations involve certain activities associated with Derpy Hooves, such as eating muffins, crossing one's eyes into the derpy stare, and delivering mail by handSo, the WrangPlonet take on Derpy Hooves, a character that was caused by an animator's mistake, picked up by users of /co/ on 4chan, and popularised in the "Brony" culture...(Note, WrangPlonet.net does not condone cruelty to animals, no ponies were harmed in the making of this image, Derpy Hooves is NOT a real being, and never will be, please learn this)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------4chan and it's notorious /b/ board4chan, founded by one man who goes by the name of moot, became notorious for being a gathering of trolls, in particular it's /b/, or random, board, where the trolls organise attacks, poke fun at minorities, and post pornographic material. 4chan was also the site which spawned the notorious hacker group simply known as Anonymous.4chan has spawned many Internet memes also, those of note are "so I heard you liek mudkipz" which relates to a Pokémon named Mudkip, Derpy Hooves (which we have covered above), lolcats, Rickrolling, which is an act to direct an unsuspecting Internet user to some content, but instead they get directed to the song "Never Gonna Give You Up" by Rick Astley, and many others.the /b/ board on 4chan has a no rules policy, meaning that users are free to post anything they want to post, however, this policy does not cover illegal content, meaning that although it's full of trolls, they do have some standards of decency, but that doesn't mean that they are not an annoyanceSo, the WrangPlonet take on 4chan is this--------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Insidious Bogleech.comBogleech.com, a site that describes itself as " a damp and malodorous hole seething with blind insects and haunted by some pallid, clutching animal that will probably give you an uncatalogued disease" is plugged as a site where people can create all manner of horrifying creatures and post their work to share with others, however it is also a harbour for some of the worst trolls imaginable, in particular the infamous IRC troll known as CUJO, his other observed names being MAX_PADDINGTON, BANGO_SKANK, and SEWER_KRAKEN (the last one was a name I gave to him). Fortunately for civilised society CUJO is boycotting freenodeDue to Bogleech harbouring such trolls, it makes the list of Internet annoyances, a lot of it's userbase appear to have the troll mentality, probably something that the founder of Bogleech didn't envision when he created the site, all he had in mind was a site where people could go and share their works of art and whatever creativity.I highly recommend that civilised society stays well clear of Bogleech. It's also not a site for the faint hearted either, I feel sorry for the founder that his site became such a hellholeSo, the Wrangplonet take on Bogleech.com is this:Stay well away from it, unless you're a troll or you want to help the founder turn it around somehow--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"Inboxing""Inboxing" or "to inbox" is a term used by the clueless to refer to messages recieved to an inbox on a social networking site such as the ever popular Facebook. I became aware of this term while travelling to the local supermarket a few days before posting this. I consider this an annoyance because an inbox is a folder for incoming messages, whether they be email, SMS, or messages on social networking sites.Clicking the "Messages" icon on Facebook does not even take one to any kind of inbox, nor is the word "inbox" mentioned anywhere, all messages are threaded. Given the ease of access to computer systems these days more and more people are using sites like Facebook, and more and more of the clueless are using the term "inboxing". The correct and accepted terminoligy is "private messaging", if you believe "inboxing" is the correct term then you are very mistaken, it's an annoyance to those who have used the Internet for many years, remember, inbox is the name of the folder containing incoming messages, to be private messaged is to recieve a private message on social networking sites, Internet forums, and Internet chat rooms and IRC.The WrangPlonet take on the term "Inboxing" is this:Stop calling it that, learn that the folder is called an inbox solely because it's for incoming messages, and that private messaging is the act of sending a message in private to someone, If you MUST use the word "inbox", use it in the context of "please send a message to my inbox" as it is correct--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Internet stalkersInternet stalkers are the sort of people that go on the Internet and have the sole intent of stalking individuals they want to be friends with, and ultimately driving them away and gaining a bad reputation in the end, yet continue to do so, and thus the cycle repeats. They generally are easy to spot and it gets easier over time, even if they change identities online their behaviour will always continue.The common pattern of the Internet stalker is this, they show up, either on a chat or forum, or whatever, and try to befriend someone, and persist when that person says no, then follows that person to other chats, forums, and even facebook in some cases, the net result of this is often they get banned or the person they stalk get's driven away, in the case of the latter the behaviour will often repeat as a ban won't be issued.I have encountered an Internet stalker in recent times from Australia, who stalks many people in one go, sadly some of the people she stalks are actually very unintelligent, but the ones that have been driven away or resistent to her stalking are very intelligent, because you'd have to be dumb as a brick to not know you're being stalked, right? And reporting this individual is impossible, because she plays the victimSo, the WrangPlonet take on Internet stalkers is this:Report them if at all possible, and don't give in to them
It seems ironic that you're posting this Hubert as I've a fair idea which mod you were at WP.
Who is this person?
http://webdetail.org/www.wrangplonet.netHave a look.
Quote from: TA on April 13, 2012, 04:19:35 PMhttp://webdetail.org/www.wrangplonet.netHave a look.Not sure how reliable that site is it says I am in Canada and owned by someone else
What is the point of the site there is not much there