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<< < (5/30) > >>

Thanks Adam, that was my main suspicion and guess it clears that up. Just people here suck and I'm not into dealing with overblown jerks all day.


--- Quote from: Meadow on April 09, 2012, 06:44:29 PM ---Thanks Adam, that was my main suspicion and guess it clears that up. Just people here suck and I'm not into dealing with overblown jerks all day.

--- End quote ---

Fuck you... go blow a goat. Kthx.

Don't listen to Adam he's Odeon too :o


--- Quote from: parts on April 09, 2012, 06:49:14 PM ---Don't listen to Adam he's Odeon too :o

--- End quote ---

No, I'M Spartacus Odeon!

Pikajedi3 is one of my sock puppets :)


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