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--- Quote from: Pyraxis on April 09, 2012, 03:43:19 PM ---
--- Quote from: Meadow on April 09, 2012, 02:30:43 PM ---Infestation very likely involves your own. Kapkao is probably Pikajedi3, moderator for Aspies For Freedom. I want my photo removed and stop spamming your own site with my photo with yet another one of your sock puppets Odeon.

--- End quote ---

Nobody would even need to call it an infestation if they weren't so easily trolled.

You think German Girl is a sockpuppet of Odeon?

--- End quote ---

Yup, Hubert and German Girl who is now Mr. Cumberdale.

Got to say I don't see it. I thought they were WrongPlanet people? Mods even?

Sock puppets and obvious.

What's the obvious part?

Hubert was a wp mod and is a real person in a totally diffferent country to odeon. I have him on facebook and really cant see any reason why odeon would be a fake person, especially as people have his real name and address


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