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Look what I found on Craigslist:
Al Swearegen:
--- Quote from: Mr. Cumberdale on April 09, 2012, 11:55:12 AM ---So, Odeon must have left a door open or he didn't properly install window seals. Perhaps there is a hole in the foundation, or the attic isn't completely weather proofed. Whatever the cause, this place has become infested with a strange breed of whiny, crawly, blowhard, spammy, annoying and obnoxious affag. Everywhere I turn I am stepping on another one. Spamming entire boards over here, or blustering mightily over there.
We must forgive the infestation, because obviously there is nothing the webmaster can do to prevent this kind of vermin from getting in without hermetically sealing the place, and who wants to live in a bubble? But what now? Is there an appropriate exterminator that can be called? Is it even possible to delouse at this point? Do we simply enjoy the chance we are given to crush the little creatures with our steel toed Jackboots?
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Are they all that bad? I think that most of them are OK and even the annoying ones are at least amusing. I am getting soft in my old age. Maybe the beautiful war cries of mortal combat will rouse me from my peaceful hibernation.
--- Quote from: Meadow on April 09, 2012, 02:30:43 PM ---Infestation very likely involves your own. Kapkao is probably Pikajedi3, moderator for Aspies For Freedom. I want my photo removed and stop spamming your own site with my photo with yet another one of your sock puppets Odeon.
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Nobody would even need to call it an infestation if they weren't so easily trolled.
You think German Girl is a sockpuppet of Odeon?
So, have you chosen your favorite methods for exterminating us?
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