Author Topic: Questions for Duckie  (Read 7669 times)

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Offline Callaway

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Re: Questions for Duckie
« Reply #90 on: April 04, 2012, 04:16:31 AM »
Meadow I never said you were in a mental institution. I was referring to my own experience. I have been in and out since age 13. The children I was in there with were abused. I recognized them in you. I hope you don't read this wrong.

That's how I read your post as well, not the way Meadow read it.

Of course Callaway, that's how you read it. DFG is slandering me with everything above the last comment which didnt include "I" in her sentence. She was talking about me the whole time and then suddenly made a statement like that leaving out the I to indicate it was herself she was talking about.

When I was 14 I was taken to a state mental hospital in handcuffs behind my back and placed on an adult ward with very big scary looking women and made to stay there for three days as punishment for scratching my wrist which I only did as a way to let someone know I needed help because I couldn't talk about what had happened to me when I was at a children's shelter for abused kids.

I have talked about this elsewhere and don't want my information misconstrued like that. With all the disparaging shit written above about me that she had no right saying to begin with, it was unclear she was talking about herself when she didn't include "I" in her sentence. She has no right to say those things about me, never mind the hospital issue. I'm terrified of the place after that and don't appreciate being talked about all over your board either. DFG is pulling a lot of stunts here but you're pulling a blind eye and you are on the moderation team are you not? It looks like the problems are only going to continue thanks to you and I just need to take this elsewhere. I'm not going to take this anymore and I'm not going to be made a victim here either. I'm about to sue your forum if this keeps up because I've taken all I'm going to from you and others.

DFG is one of your few friends here and I think that it's a mistake for you to throw away that friendship because of a simple misunderstanding.

Here's what she said, with the part about spending time in a mental hospital bolded:

I'm am no longer angry with Meadow. I had felt bad about what I did back then and apologized to her. She reads posts all wrong and I don't think its entirely her fault. I am well aware she attacks everyone in sight. I see people gang up on her and I do not like it. I know she brings a lot of it on herself but I see a woman who needs help. You see an easy target to exploit. I am not going to lie. Meadow owes a lot of people on here an apology and I believe admitting she was wrong can help her heal.  Spent time in a mental hospital off and on since age 13. I was around a lot of abused kids and I see them in her. It is just how I feel.

She's saying that she spent time around a lot of abused kids while she was in a mental hospital and she sees similarities between them and you, not that you were in one.

BTW, I'm very sorry for your experience in a state mental hospital when you were 14.  I don't think it was intended to punish you for harming yourself, but I think it was probably a 72 hour hold for evaluation to make sure that you wouldn't harm yourself further and it was probably intended to give you the help you were seeking by scratching your wrist in the first place.

Why did you say here that you have never spent time in a mental institution?

This bullshit really gets old. I get that you likely have two accounts here and already suspected that. I try to give people the benefit of the doubt. I have never spent time in a mental institution and don't appreciate you saying something like that. WTF is wrong with you Hubert! You really suck DFG!

Offline Meadow

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Re: Questions for Duckie
« Reply #91 on: April 04, 2012, 04:39:06 AM »
I'm am no longer angry with Meadow. I had felt bad about what I did back then and apologized to her. She reads posts all wrong and I don't think its entirely her fault. I am well aware she attacks everyone in sight. I see people gang up on her and I do not like it. I know she brings a lot of it on herself but I see a woman who needs help. You see an easy target to exploit. I am not going to lie. Meadow owes a lot of people on here an apology and I believe admitting she was wrong can help her heal.  Spent time in a mental hospital off and on since age 13. I was around a lot of abused kids and I see them in her. It is just how I feel.

"Spent time in a mental hospital off and on since age 13". Time spent usually implies more than three days therefore no real "time" as such have I ever spent in a mental hospital. It's fine if others have but don't start saying I'm the mental case because I have not spent any time to speak of in a mental hospital.

Callaway, I'm kindly asking you not to condescend to me anymore. When I say I was punished I know what I'm talking about. I was the one who was there after all and ought to know that better than you. After the three days terrifying stay the doctor said, "Well Missy, do you think you've learned your lesson?" They were scaring the piss out of me to put me on an adult ward with what looked like gigantic criminally insane women from what I can tell looking back on it. They had a children's ward and at 14 is where they should have at least put me. it was punishment. Don't you know it's a crime to try to kill yourself?

I think handcuffs behind my back is also a good enough indication that I was being punished. So please don't contradict me about my own personal information.

DFG is not my only friend by any stretch. I was wary with her and gave her the benefit of the doubt hoping for the best but with all the underhanded commentary, talking about me in front of my face like that so many times in such a derogatory manner, that is not a friend. I don't believe you're that confused, but whatever.

« Last Edit: April 04, 2012, 04:48:30 AM by Meadow »

Offline Callaway

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Re: Questions for Duckie
« Reply #92 on: April 04, 2012, 05:06:20 AM »
I'm am no longer angry with Meadow. I had felt bad about what I did back then and apologized to her. She reads posts all wrong and I don't think its entirely her fault. I am well aware she attacks everyone in sight. I see people gang up on her and I do not like it. I know she brings a lot of it on herself but I see a woman who needs help. You see an easy target to exploit. I am not going to lie. Meadow owes a lot of people on here an apology and I believe admitting she was wrong can help her heal.  Spent time in a mental hospital off and on since age 13. I was around a lot of abused kids and I see them in her. It is just how I feel.

"Spent time in a mental hospital off and on since age 13". Time spent usually implies more than three days therefore no real "time" as such have I ever spent in a mental hospital. It's fine if others have but don't start saying I'm the mental case because I have not spent any time to speak of in a mental hospital.

Callaway, I'm kindly asking you not to condescend to me anymore. When I say I was punished I know what I'm talking about. I was the one who was there after all and ought to know that better than you. After the three days terrifying stay the doctor said, "Well Missy, do you think you've learned your lesson?" They were scaring the piss out of me to put me on an adult ward with what looked like gigantic criminally insane women from what I can tell looking back on it. They had a children's ward and at 14 is where they should have at least put me. it was punishment. Don't you know it's a crime to try to kill yourself?

I think handcuffs behind my back is also a good enough indication that I was being punished. So please don't contradict me about my own personal information.

DFG is not my only friend by any stretch. I was wary with her and gave her the benefit of the doubt hoping for the best but with all the underhanded commentary, talking about me in front of my face like that so many times in such a derogatory manner, that is not a friend. I don't believe you're that confused, but whatever.

OK, that's a reasonable request.  Starting now, I will do my best not to respond to you at all.

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Re: Questions for Duckie
« Reply #93 on: April 04, 2012, 05:35:14 AM »
Trying to help Meadow is one way to get her attacking you, lulz
Oh no, the evil webmaster changed my sig again!

Offline Meadow

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Re: Questions for Duckie
« Reply #94 on: April 04, 2012, 05:36:11 AM »
I'm am no longer angry with Meadow. I had felt bad about what I did back then and apologized to her. She reads posts all wrong and I don't think its entirely her fault. I am well aware she attacks everyone in sight. I see people gang up on her and I do not like it. I know she brings a lot of it on herself but I see a woman who needs help. You see an easy target to exploit. I am not going to lie. Meadow owes a lot of people on here an apology and I believe admitting she was wrong can help her heal.  Spent time in a mental hospital off and on since age 13. I was around a lot of abused kids and I see them in her. It is just how I feel.

"Spent time in a mental hospital off and on since age 13". Time spent usually implies more than three days therefore no real "time" as such have I ever spent in a mental hospital. It's fine if others have but don't start saying I'm the mental case because I have not spent any time to speak of in a mental hospital.

Callaway, I'm kindly asking you not to condescend to me anymore. When I say I was punished I know what I'm talking about. I was the one who was there after all and ought to know that better than you. After the three days terrifying stay the doctor said, "Well Missy, do you think you've learned your lesson?" They were scaring the piss out of me to put me on an adult ward with what looked like gigantic criminally insane women from what I can tell looking back on it. They had a children's ward and at 14 is where they should have at least put me. it was punishment. Don't you know it's a crime to try to kill yourself?

I think handcuffs behind my back is also a good enough indication that I was being punished. So please don't contradict me about my own personal information.

DFG is not my only friend by any stretch. I was wary with her and gave her the benefit of the doubt hoping for the best but with all the underhanded commentary, talking about me in front of my face like that so many times in such a derogatory manner, that is not a friend. I don't believe you're that confused, but whatever.

OK, that's a reasonable request.  Starting now, I will do my best not to respond to you at all.

That's fine if that's what it takes but you're not superior to me by any stretch of your imagination.

Offline Meadow

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Re: Questions for Duckie
« Reply #95 on: April 04, 2012, 05:39:26 AM »
Trying to help Meadow is one way to get her attacking you, lulz

I am in no need of help. That would have to be you you're thinking of. I live an extremely good life mind and am in need of nothing.

Offline BruceCM

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Re: Questions for Duckie
« Reply #96 on: April 04, 2012, 05:42:12 AM »
Good! Don't I get death threats, though?
Oh no, the evil webmaster changed my sig again!

Offline Meadow

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Re: Questions for Duckie
« Reply #97 on: April 04, 2012, 05:48:35 AM »
Good! Don't I get death threats, though?

I don't even acknowledge you for the most part and just very sick of your trolling. I am asking you to back off and leave me alone. When someone asks for space it's common courtesy to respect that and live by it also. Don't harass me anymore.

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Re: Questions for Duckie
« Reply #98 on: April 04, 2012, 07:54:27 AM »
Does anyone have a chainsaw I can use?
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Re: Questions for Duckie
« Reply #99 on: April 04, 2012, 07:59:10 AM »
Does anyone have a chainsaw I can use?

Nope, sorry. But may I offer you a humble rusty saw instead? It'll take longer but it'll get the job done.
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Offline Meadow

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Re: Questions for Duckie
« Reply #100 on: April 04, 2012, 09:14:00 AM »
Does anyone have a chainsaw I can use?

I'm not sure who this is directed at but there are ways of removing people you don't like or want on your forum. If you don't want me in your forum just ask me to leave, ban the account, whichever you like. I can deal with that.

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Re: Questions for Duckie
« Reply #101 on: April 04, 2012, 09:46:41 AM »
Meadow I know that you won't be banned. I really doubt Odeon will ask you to leave. I do not think that he cares if you are here or not. If you want to leave, then that is a different matter. I think you are really wanting someone to ban you. I have seen similar situations here. I think you are demanding what you will not get. You are wanting things on your own terms and I don't think people work that way. I don't think taht people hee will do the things you want them to do because you are wanting them to. That may be unfair or unreasonable maybe. You may or may not have good reason to ask them to do th things you want them to do, but it just doesn't mean they will.
Some people want to come to I2 and will push for a ban by pushing the boundaries and an example is Sol and another is Buttcoffee. These people want a notch on their belt to say "I went to I2 and I was too hardcore for them and they banned me". These guys will start stirring things up and attack people, that doesn't work. they start to make you don't like it ban me demands. that doesn't work. Then they finally in frustration try to put the site at risk and they get what is ironically a deserved ban.
They were trying to control and they couldn't. There was no win there and they did not really get what they want.
It is a sad situation.
Life is like that in many ways. I can not control the way people react to me. I have limited influence. They will and do, so as they please. Demanding they do things to suit me works about as far as it suits them and no further.
If what you are after here is to leave on your own terms and for people to do things on your terms i can not see it happening. Just like life.
I do want you to fit in here and I want you to actively contribute but I don't want you striving for the control you are elusively seeming to seek. You won't land it and you will be unhappier for the experience. Life will go on regardless and everyone will be as they are and were and be no different for you being here or passing through.
You do not need to fight for the changes that you will not get. You can but you don't have to. You can in expectation of change that will not happen but I think it is a waste. I hope for more for you.
I2 today is not i2 of yesteryear. It is a knitting circle. Those that participate be they nice or asshats know their place and the price to be there. Odeon is the overlord

.Benevolent if you toe the line.

Think it is I2 of old? Even Odeon is not so delusional as to think otherwise. He may on occasionally pretend otherwise but his base is that knitting circle.

Censoring/banning/restricting/moderating myself, Calanadale & Scrapheap were all not his finest moments.

How to apologise to Scrap

Offline Meadow

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Re: Questions for Duckie
« Reply #102 on: April 04, 2012, 10:55:40 AM »
Meadow I know that you won't be banned. I really doubt Odeon will ask you to leave. I do not think that he cares if you are here or not. If you want to leave, then that is a different matter. I think you are really wanting someone to ban you. I have seen similar situations here. I think you are demanding what you will not get. You are wanting things on your own terms and I don't think people work that way. I don't think taht people hee will do the things you want them to do because you are wanting them to. That may be unfair or unreasonable maybe. You may or may not have good reason to ask them to do th things you want them to do, but it just doesn't mean they will.
Some people want to come to I2 and will push for a ban by pushing the boundaries and an example is Sol and another is Buttcoffee. These people want a notch on their belt to say "I went to I2 and I was too hardcore for them and they banned me". These guys will start stirring things up and attack people, that doesn't work. they start to make you don't like it ban me demands. that doesn't work. Then they finally in frustration try to put the site at risk and they get what is ironically a deserved ban.
They were trying to control and they couldn't. There was no win there and they did not really get what they want.
It is a sad situation.
Life is like that in many ways. I can not control the way people react to me. I have limited influence. They will and do, so as they please. Demanding they do things to suit me works about as far as it suits them and no further.
If what you are after here is to leave on your own terms and for people to do things on your terms i can not see it happening. Just like life.
I do want you to fit in here and I want you to actively contribute but I don't want you striving for the control you are elusively seeming to seek. You won't land it and you will be unhappier for the experience. Life will go on regardless and everyone will be as they are and were and be no different for you being here or passing through.
You do not need to fight for the changes that you will not get. You can but you don't have to. You can in expectation of change that will not happen but I think it is a waste. I hope for more for you.

That was humorous for some reason. I guess it sounds a little like comedy, in a good way. I like how you think and write even if all the points aren't completely accurate on me. I guess it probably does sound like trying to control but all I'm trying to control is what's happening to me. I sense Odeon hates me and as admin that's hard to deal with. There have been a number of attacks by him. I normally don't like talking like that openly about anyone but the same has been going on around me and hardly think it matters given that. I get your points very well. I'm not trying to get banned. I just don't always make myself the most likable person but I don't see anyone here making themselves much a likable person. I'm just me and having some trouble with the hate I'm getting and dealing with people who are very manipulative is beyond trying. I can't fight and defend myself constantly. Im sure if you were getting what i am you would have trouble with it too. There's nothing constructive about it. I havent experienced anything like this since elementary school and that's quite a ways back for me. People always like me in person. I think it's really just the result very immature people and their friends like in grade school ganging up on someone they don't like.

I don't know why I'd want to stay here around people who hate me so much except to club them to death in retaliation and there's little point in that. Maybe just to piss them off until I get the piss out on them. I'm a complicated person but aren't we all.

Thanks for posting. It's nice to get a little sanity for a change. Thanks for that Al.


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Re: Questions for Duckie
« Reply #103 on: April 04, 2012, 12:51:40 PM »
Its only slander if it isn't true.

It wouldn't be slander, it would be libel.  One can neither slander nor libel an anonymous screen name.  Neither charge is criminal, only a civil suit could be filed.  In either case you would have to prove actual damages.

Offline Meadow

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Re: Questions for Duckie
« Reply #104 on: April 04, 2012, 12:57:37 PM »
You can sue anyone for anything. You should think more about what you do. Your screen name is no insurance for anything. It's going to blow up on you one of these days if you don't change your ways.

You don't have a right to manipulate around me and negatively affect someone you don't like because you're psychotic. That is extremely abnormal behavior and no one has to tolerate it. Dream on if you think you're immune.
« Last Edit: April 04, 2012, 01:07:49 PM by Isabitch »