I'm am no longer angry with Meadow. I had felt bad about what I did back then and apologized to her. She reads posts all wrong and I don't think its entirely her fault. I am well aware she attacks everyone in sight. I see people gang up on her and I do not like it. I know she brings a lot of it on herself but I see a woman who needs help. You see an easy target to exploit. I am not going to lie. Meadow owes a lot of people on here an apology and I believe admitting she was wrong can help her heal. Spent time in a mental hospital off and on since age 13. I was around a lot of abused kids and I see them in her. It is just how I feel.
"Spent time in a mental hospital off and on since age 13". Time spent usually implies more than three days therefore no real "time" as such have I ever spent in a mental hospital. It's fine if others have but don't start saying I'm the mental case because I have not spent any time to speak of in a mental hospital.
Callaway, I'm kindly asking you not to condescend to me anymore. When I say I was punished I know what I'm talking about. I was the one who was there after all and ought to know that better than you. After the three days terrifying stay the doctor said, "Well Missy, do you think you've learned your lesson?" They were scaring the piss out of me to put me on an adult ward with what looked like gigantic criminally insane women from what I can tell looking back on it. They had a children's ward and at 14 is where they should have at least put me. it was punishment. Don't you know it's a crime to try to kill yourself?
I think handcuffs behind my back is also a good enough indication that I was being punished. So please don't contradict me about my own personal information.
DFG is not my only friend by any stretch. I was wary with her and gave her the benefit of the doubt hoping for the best but with all the underhanded commentary, talking about me in front of my face like that so many times in such a derogatory manner, that is not a friend. I don't believe you're that confused, but whatever.